
Quotes from the book "A Hacker's Mind" By Bruce Schneier

Here is another great book I read recently "A Hacker's Mind" By Bruce Schneier. It is really interesting, here are some quotes I liked from this book. When most people look at a system, they focus on how it works. When security technologists look at the same system, they can't help but focus on how it can be made to fail. That's what a hack is: an activity allowed by the system that subverts the goal or intent of the system. "Is that allowed" and "I didn't know you could do that" are both common reactions to hacks. Double Irish with a Dutch Sandwich is a tax evasion technique someone invented and a lot of companies used to avoid Billions of dollars in taxes across different countries. Estimates are that US companies avoided paying nearly $200 billion in US taxes in 2017 alone, at the expense of everyone else. A hack follows the letter of a system's rules but violates their spirit and intent. No matter how locked-down a system is, vulner

Quotes from the book "AI Super Powers" - Kai Fu Lee

Here are some thought-provoking quotes from the book " AI Super-powers" by Kai-Fu Lee Artificial Intelligence is the elucidation of the human learning process, the quantification of the human thinking process, the explication of human behavior, and the understanding of what makes intelligence possible. Neural networks require large amounts of two things: Computing power and data. Harnessing the power of AI today - the "electricity" of the twenty-first century - requires four analogous inputs: abundant data, hungry entrepreneurs, AI scientists, and an AI-friendly policy environment. Kai-Fu Lee Predicts that within 15 years, AI will technically be able to replace around 40%-50% of jobs in the US. 47% of US jobs could be automated within the next decade or two. Instead of being mission-driven(like US entrepreneurs), Chinese companies are first and foremost market-driven. Their ultimate goal is to make money. Chinese companies invest in depth (they own end-to-end busine

Quotes from the book "Meditation - Mind and Patanjali's Yoga" - Swami Bhaskarananda

Here are long list of quotes from great book "Mediatation - Mind and Patanjali's Yoga". If you want scratch surface on Meditation, please read this book written by Swami Bhaskarananda. Bhakti Yoga - Path of devotion. Jnana Yoga - Path of rational inquiry. Raja Yoga: Path of psychic control Karma Yoga - Path of right action. Characteristics of a genuine spiritual teacher: No ulterior selfish motives. Do NOT crave praise, honor, or fame. Beyond lust and greed. Do not crave money The food in our stomach cannot be digested by anyone else. So also with spiritual progress, it is we who have to work hard for it. no one else can do it for us. Success is speedy for the extremely energetic. Patanjali 8 step discipline to Yoga: Yama - Restraining harmful thoughts and impulses. A mind with violent tendencies is NOT suitable for meditation. Niyama -  Cultivating good habits. Asana - Learning sitting postures suitable for prolonged contemplation. One who can sit firmly and comfortably

Quotes from the book "The Coming Wave"

Here are some quotes from the book "The Coming Wave" by Mustafa Suleyman and Michael Bhaskar. For the context Mustafa Suleyman is CEO of Microsoft AI , co-founder of DeepMind and Inflection AI. Waves Follow a single seemingly immutable law: it gets cheaper and easier to use and ultimately it proliferates, far and wide. The coming wave is defined by two core technologies: AI and synthetic biology. Uber was impossible without the smart-phone, which itself was enabled by GPS, which was enabled by satellites, which were enabled by rockets, which were enabled by combustion techniques, which were enabled by language and fire. Technologies are ideas, and ideas cannot be eliminated. What if we could grow what we wanted locally? what if our supply chain was just biology? If AI represents the automation of information, robotics is the automation of the material. (Life + Intelligence) X Energy - Modern Civilization. The Leader in AI "will become the ruler of the world". The id

Quotes from the book "Man's Search for meaning"

Quotes from Viktor E Frankl's book of "Man's Search for Meaning". He who has a Why to live for can bear almost any HOW. Yes, a man can get used to anything. An abnormal reaction to an abnormal situation is normal behavior. Humor was another of the soul's weapons in the fight for self-preservation. He who has a why to live for can bear with almost any how. Live as if you were living already for the second time and as if you had acted the first time as wrongly as you are about to act now. Suffering ceases to be suffering at the moment it finds a meaning, such as the meaning of a sacrifice. Logotherapy bases its technique called "paradoxical intention" on the twofold fact that fear brings about that which one is afraid of and that hyper-intention makes impossible what one wishes. The cue to cure is self-transcendence. Nothingbutness: Man is nothing but the result of biological, psychological and sociological conditions or the product of heredity and environ

Quotes from the book "The Daily Stoic"

Here are some quotes from the great book "The Daily Stoic" - Ryan Holiday and Stephen Hanselman. If you like these quotes, you must pick up the book. Stoicism is a way of life (logics+ethics), our ability to use our reason to choose how we respond and reorient ourselves to external events. It's ultimately framed around The discipline of perception : how we see the world around us The discipline of Action : The decisions and actions we take The discipline of will : How we deal with things we can NOT change. Contrl your perceptions. Direct your actions properly. willingly accept what's outside your control. That's all we need to do. If you want to be steady, if you want clarity, proper judgment is the best way. You've got just one thing to manage: Your choices, your will, your mind. So mind it. Man is pushed by drives but pulled by values. Find what you do out of rote memory or routine. Ask yourself: Is this really the best way to do it? Money only marginally ch

Quotes from the book "When things fall apart" - Pema Chodron

  Quotes from the book 'When Things Fall Apart' by Pema Chödrön." Fear is a natural reaction to moving closer to the truth. Am I going to add to the aggression in the world ? Am I Going to practice peace, or am I going to war? This very moment is the perfect teacher, and, lucky for us, it's with us wherever we are. Bring our minds back home. Meditation is the willingness to die over and over again. Because of mindfulness, we see our desires and our aggression, our jealousy, and our ignorance. We don't act on them; we just see them. Without mindfulness, we don't see them. Mindfulness is the ground; refraining is the path. Four pairs of opposites - pleasure and pain, loss and gain, fame and disgrace, and praise and blame - is what keeps us stuck in the pain of samsara. One can be lonely and not be tossed away by it. We can just be lonely with no alternatives, content to be right here with the mood and texture of what's happening. If you want to find the meani