
Showing posts from September, 2010

I Love You Twitter

As you all know Twitter is microblogging and real time information system. I just looked at the video of new twitter avatar, its looking cool guys. You need NOT go to separate link to watch video or to see pictures. Here are some fascinating facts about Twitter. 16% of new users are starting on mobile. There are on average 370,000 new sign ups a day overall. 90% of the information on Twitter is public. 90 million tweets a day About 25% of tweets contain links New rollout is launching worldwide. But it will be an incremental roll out before everyone gets. 160 Million Users currently All the best for the new I am eagerly waiting to see the updated twitter look. By the way am I going to miss "Fail Whale" / "Blue Whale" ? Love you Twitter... Disclaimer : Twitter can make you loose your job. If you have doubts check with Lalit Modi (ex-IPL chairman) / Shashi Tharoor. Author is not responsible for the side effects :-)

Stay Hungry & Stay Foolish

"Stay Hungry and Stay Foolish", told by Steve Jobs in a graduation ceremony. Indians and Chinese have the edge over the world because they are not just another fat ass in the world. Excuse my language. They can work their way off. This was the edge for India. Now its loosing its edge slowly. The new generations aren't hard working any more. Now a days generations have enough deviations so that they can not concentrate on success. It was not the case earlier. They can work for hours together for their success. Now they are lazy, they don't want to do the hard work. They are talking about something called life, which equates to less money and more life. On the other hand Chinese generations still fall under the category of stay hungry and work your way off. In the field of Software they have their Average work hours some where between 12-15. In India it is somewhere between 9-10. More and more companies are moving to China as the language barrier is getting closed. ...