I attended Chick-fil-A leader cast 2013 on May 10th. This year concept is Simply Lead. It was very interesting session with leaders like Jack Welch, Condoleezza Rice, Rorke Denver (Navy Seal trainer), John Maxwell etc., All the leaders presented sessions this year excelled in their respective careers, each of them spent around 30 mins talking about Simply Lead. Just to give you a background of leader cast, it has been happening from last 10 years. This year it was live cast from 750 different sites in US, around 120,000 people attended the sessions and in North West Arkansas around 1900 people attended it. NWA is largest site outside Atlanta. Some of the interesting quotes from the session are as below. They are not in any order or sequence. I just pulled some quotes I liked out of their sessions. ANDY STANLEY: Best selling author of 20 books, 2.3 million monthly listener world wide. Leadership is about dealing with ambiguity. Leader may not be th...