Quotes from the books I read

We rate fast talkers as more competent and likable. Finland is nation of introverts. There is a joke about finlanders, how do you know if a Finnish guy likes you, he stares at your shoes instead of his own. You can be introvert, extrovert and ambivert ,all three based on situations. Pure introvert and pure extroverts are found in mental asylum. Introverts have higher sensitivity. In 1790 , 3% of us population lived in cities. In 2020 , 82% of us population lives in cities and urban areas. People live in cities tend to be more extroverts than introverts. All around you people are judging you, silently. Everybody has inferiority complex, you just need back bone with it. Prepare a face to meet the faces you meet. We moved as a society from Character to charisma. It will take at-least up-to age 10 to even out difference in maturity for kids. Thats why Denmark doesn't allow grouping into grades until that age. Autonomy, complexity and connection are the three quali...