Quotes from "Total Freedom" by J Krishnamurthi

"Total Freedom" is a thought provoking LONG read. But if you can understand the thought behind it , your thoughts process will be shaken to the core. Image Courtesy: AI Generated (Dall-e) Context provided : A person observing his own brain in microscope. Few quotes from the book "Total Freedom" - Essentials of J Krishnamurthi. As we move closer to our time, this problem is inverted. Knowledge overtakes wisdom and culture surrenders to technology. People do not need guidance, they need awakening. The speaker is unimportant. The perfect man has no self; the Holy man has no merit; the sage has no fame; All three being same. No man from outside can make you free. Individual merely becomes a tool in the hands of the group or of the expert. The mind wants to escape into an illusion rather than face the suffering which will inevitably arise. Find out why you are thinking in a certain way and why you are feeling in a certain manner. Don't try to alter it, don't tr...