Quotes from the book "supercommunicators" - Charles Duhigg

This is another remarkable book by Charles Duhigg, who masterfully engages his audience and presents a structured framework for the concepts he explores. That's what truly stands out about his works. Here are some quotes from the book that I felt insightful. Supercommunicators aren't born with extraordinary abilities but have instead devoted significant thought to the dynamics of conversations. The extent of speaker-listener neural coupling is a key predictor of communication success. Conversations about identity are best framed by three essential questions: - What's this really about? - How do we feel? - Who are we? Each type of interaction—helping, hugging, hearing—corresponds to different communication needs, demonstrating that various situations call for different kinds of conversations. Recognizing "What's This Really About?" in any discussion is crucial. Decision-making processes, whether grounded in analysis and reason or empathy and narratives, must be...