Winning -- Jack Welch
I Just finished one more book, "Winning" written by Jack Welch. For those who don't know Jack welch was the CEO of GE from 1981 to 2001, the market capitalization of GE raised from $14 Billion to $410 billion during his tenure. He adopted Six Sigma from Motorola and famous for his Appraisal policy. He suggests corporates to fire the bottom 10% and give more benefits to top 20%. Below are some of the quotes from his book Winning... ==================================================================================== What is mission ? What is Value ? What difference the difference makes ? Mission: What do you call Winning? Values: How you want to Win ? You have a choice, global recession can be treated with either Layoff's or Innovations. Just because you are the boss, doesn't mean you are the source of the knowledge. HIRING Hiring good people is hard, hiring great people is brutally hard. Rules of Hiring Integrity: Genuine of the candidate Intelligence: Maturity: co...