
"Change is calling where are you", this is the quote of the time for me. After spending one and half year in Chicago (Central America) and closely one and half year in Hartford (East Coast), now its time to visit Phoenix (West Coast).

So the change is asking me to go to west coast of America from first week of Nov. Actually i completed visiting almost all the places in East and Central part of America. I never got a chance to visit the west coast. So lets see whats in store there.

In my 25 years stay in India, I went out of state only twice. I haven't travelled more than 500 KM's any time. Now each year I am moving by at least 1500 KM's. Now the distance between the current place and new place is nearly 4000 KM's.

Two things I learned in US are travelling and investing time in myself. Lets give a look at the places I visited so far in US

1. New york, New Jersey - two times
2. Niagara
3. St.Louis
4. Chicago - stayed here for one and half year
5. Washington DC - two times
6. Virginia
7. Smoky Mountains
8. Upstate New york, lake George, lake placid, Adirondack state forest.
9. Boston & Road Island - Two times
10. Minneapolis - Two times
11. Number of local places near Chicago and Connecticut.

Really, I never know I like travelling :-)


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