Dhirubhai Notorious or Famous???????

This article is about a legend called Dhirubhai. Ambani The collected information about Reliance founder Dhirubhai from book Polyster Prince (which is banned in INDIA) and from internet.

These facts are eye openers for rotten politics or eye brow raisers for public or shot in the arm for Indian system or brain teasers for Tax / Finance authorities.......

Whatever it is, a man dreamed for something achieved it, the path he chosen might be controversial but not the hard work he put for it, neither his capabilities nor his thoughts.....

One thing for sure 2 generations before me they dont know about this guy , might be no body discusses about him after 2 generations, i am proud to be from the same historic period as he is.....

His famous quotes:
Think big, think fast, think ahead.
Ideas are no one's monopoly
"We cannot change our Rulers, but we can change the way they Rule Us.
"Changing orbits is the key to our progress"

Some Unofficial statements made by him:
I dont believe in not taking oppurtunities.
You should not do anything illegal. First of all, the law should be changed. ( i am fan of this quote)
Everything that I have done has been kept in the ground, and a first-class fountain has been built over it. Nobody will ever know what I have done.

Famous quote abot him:
Think twice before denying him anything.
He is the best friend and worest enemy any one can have, comment by one Textile competitor.
The dark side of him is part of attraction.
He is one of few, who was able to write his own future.
Some political groups call him, Monster threatening Indian Democracy.
Which is the most powerful political party in India? Answer: the Reliance Party of India.
People think that he is Influential in Govt, its wrong, He used to control it.

some links to know more about him and his sons.....





Quick Facts:
He studied till 10th class.
His profit margins were rarely under 300 percent."
Dhirubhai Ambani is said to have started his entrepreneurial career by selling "pakora" to pilgrims in Mount Girnar over the weekends
He is always a risk taker.
"only Vimal" brand build by him, Vimal is name of his elder brother son.
Dhirubhai Ambani's net worth was estimated at about Rs.1 billion by early 1980s.
To find a solution to Dhirubhai Ambani shock to his rivals on stock market in 1982, stock market was closed for 3 days. See the below story....

March 1982, Cartel bears (calcutta) sold 350000 shares causing rate to fell down from 131 to 121. It continued for some time and 8,00,000 shares were sold by oppnents of Reliance to make his share price fall, without having that many shares in hand. Dhirubhai sponsered the money for his friendly brokers to purchase the same. Where he got 100 million dollars is still a question, he says NRI friends bought it.
In April, he demanded the shares to be physically transferred to him otherwise fine of 25/- per share. Oppnents desparately started searching for Reliance shares and it caused price increase to 201.
Conclusion: Oppnents tried to make his shared price fall from 131 to 121, landed up raising it to 201.

No foreign suppliers in those days have great interest in supplying to Indian business, Dhirubhai changed their attitude. Once he booked USA polyster supplier DuPoint for six months continuous supply of their full capcity. They used to produce 300-400 tonns a month.

Once a rival yarn supplier spread rumour that Dhirubhai is going short of money , Dhirubhai stick a notice on public notice board saying any one who owed money to come and have their advance repaid. NO ONE DID...
In late 1970's he is the only business man to spend 10 million a year on advertisement in that field.
In 1979 Morarji Desai govt., fell down Charn Singh withdraw support for govt., who supplied cash flow for that event!!!!!
After Indira Gandhi becoming Prime Minister in 1980, the first party she attended is organized by !!!!!
In 1979 Reliance is not in India top 50 companies, after 5 years term of Indira Gandhi in 1984 Reliance is in top 5.

In 1980 , 43 people contested for Patalganga, Maharashtra Polyster plant, only 3 people got it and Obviously Dhuribhai Ambani is one of them.

The capacity of the plant he designed is 10,000 tonns, close to whole country usage of polyster. He visioned whole country will buy his clothes only. (see the daring)

In 1973 Mynylon Ltd., is started in Karnataka with capital of RS 11000 . In 1975 it took over Reliance (worth 60 million), in 1977 its name changed back to Reliance. This is widely used case study on tax minimization. I BET YOU DONT UNDERSTAND THIS, UNLESS UNTILL DHIRUBHAI EXPLAINS IT.

His Brilliant and unconventional move of exploiting "converting debuntures into equity" law, chopped 735 million debts of Reliance.

Patalganga plant was setup in short span of 18 months, US Chairment of polyster company commented that with high /latest technology available only in US we can do it in 26 months in US!!!!!!!

In Early 1980's, Reliance became the most famous of India’s ‘zero-tax’ companies. For three decades after inception it didnt pay single Rupee as tax. It was only in 1996-97, after the introduction of a 12 per cent ‘minimum alternate tax’ on company profits, that it made its first corporate income tax provision

In the marriage of his daughter 1983, Finace Ministy Chief enforcement officer danced!!!!

Dhirubhai and fiance minster claims 11 NRI companies registered in an Island called "Isle of man". They invested in Reliance, In fact they were registered only after may 1985 !!!!

See the interesting story.....
These NRI applied loan in Srilanka to setup a company in "isle of man" island to purchase Reliance shares in India and where they live nobody knows. I BET NO ONE CAN SOLVE THIS.

In 1985 May 20th, Reliance hired foot ball ground for annual general meeting, about 12 000 shareholders attended the meeting. FIRST OF ITS KIND

He used Maharashtra state governors, helipad for a while!!!!

What are the below companies no body knows, but they are virtually Ambani's creation for tax avasion
Jagadanand Investment & Trading
Victor Investments & Trading Pvt Ltd
Hemal Holding & Trading Pvt Ltd

many of the investment companies later found in the scandal bear, das avatar names and names from Vishnu Sahasra namam!!!!!!!

The names of NRI's directors who hold reliance shares are really interesting , 10 names from the Vigneshwara Ashtotra, and 12 from the Sandhya Mantra. Several others took names from the avatars of Lord Shiva and other divinities. Do you really gods started investing in his business !!!!!!


Relaince changed its accounting year 4 times, whenever company is in trouble to show boost of profits, accounting period will get changed!!!!!!!
At one point there is no Finance or home bill signed by ministry officials without informing Dhirubhai.

If for a top Banking position 10 people are probable candidates from Govt., ministry he used to call all 10 of them and assure his support. Who ever wins used to think its due to Dhirubhai support.

One of the news papers (who wrote against him) for whom Dhirubhai withrdrew support from his add agency suffered 6,00,000 loss per year. It started praising him again and got the revenue through adds back.

envolope containing money will be handed over to journalist after a press conference by company PRO as gift. It was used to fullest extent by Dhirubhai.

Dirty dozen is set of media group praises Dhirubhai. He uses them to expose opponents.

Kapal Mehra (Orkay silks) main competitor for Reliance, spent Diwali in Jail for tax avasion. Kapal's son was beaten and dumped in drainage. Later years, he is out of competition.

Reliance manager was caught in murder plan attempt on Nusli Wadia (Bombay Dyeing), thanks to Sharad Power (then CM of Maharashtra) for saving Nusli and thanks to Rajiv and CBI for saving Dhirubhai. The case is not yet resolved!!!!!!!

In 1985 Govt anounced change of policy to get a letter of credit for license, few hours before this change these letters were procured by Dhirubhai from major banks. Is there a leak, he says its guess!!!!!!

Rasikbhai Meswani, nephew of Dhirubhai key in political and burecrat lobbying died in critical time of 1985. It was a big blow to Reliance.

In 1985 Govt, asked all banks to check the loan amount purpose by loaners, as 9 similar companies (Unofficial Reliance Family), took loans on Reliance shares, to invest in share market.

Reliance used to produce 70K tonns as against their license 25K tonns.

People say 20,000 Sq meters of factory equipment is smuggled by Dhirubhai Reliance.

Reliance is accused of duplicate shares trading, insider trading in share market.

When Harshad Mehta scam broke in market, he was asked by SBI to pay the 4 billion

His competitors often receive threats, were beaten up, got murder attempts, faced custom & tax problems unnecessarily, spent time in jail without mistake, their cases never won in courts, they dont get licenses from Govt.,

Without these techinques a Samosa seller can not beat highest Family businesses of India like Tata, Birla.

In early 70's when his sales is aroud 100 million a journalist visited him, he expected to see his plans to 200 million. But you know dhirubhai got on his table the "working plan" to beat the sales of TATA (biggest company in India at that time). he achieved it in 1994.

Its about 2 and half decades of concentration, hard work, thinking, action, planning.

There is an evil in every person, at the same time something good. Take the good things out of this story......

I admire this gury because of his persistence & consistence.


Krishna said…
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RaviKiran said…
Good views buddy, lot of analysis and work for writing this. I like the references too.
Thanks for the article.

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