Corporate Lessons From 12th century

These poems are composed in 12th Century by Chola king in India. It was my weird thought to apply the 12th century facts to 21st century corporate world. I picked 9 poems out of 100 and tried to relate them to corporate world.

If you can't read Telugu poem, read the Corporate Lesson. If you can read both, you will definitely enjoy more.


balavaMtuDa nAkEmanipaluvuratO nigrahiMci palukuTa mElAbalavaMtamaina sarpamu cali cImala cEta cikki cAvade sumatI !

Corporate Lesson 1:
You are never too far from failure, don't be over confident.


tana kOpame tana Satruvutana SAMtame tanaku raksha daya cuTTaMbautana saMtOshame svargamu tana du@hKame narakamaMDru tathyamu sumatI !

Corporate Lesson 2:
Don't promise when you are happy, don't decide when you are in anger.


kanakapu siMhAsanamuna Sunakamu gUrcuMDa beTTi SuBa lagnamunaMdonaraga paTTamu gaTTinavenukaTi guNamEla mAnu vinarA sumatI !

Corporate Lesson 3:
Personality of the leader is important than ranking of his business school.


eppaTi keyyadi prastutamappaTi kaa maaTalaaDi anyula manamulnoppiMpaka taa novvakatappiMcuka tirugu vaaDu dhanyuDu sumatee !

Corporate Lesson 4:
There are no permanent friends or enemies in corporate world. Don't trust any one, don't hurt any one.


aDigina jItaMbiyyanimiDimElapu doranu golci miDukuTa kaMTenvaDi gala yeddula gaTTuka maDi dunnuka bratuka vaccu mahilO sumatee !

Corporate Lesson 5:
After your appraisal, If you hear "Salary is not important thing" from your boss, definitely weight your options.


vinadagu nevvaru jeppina vininaMtane vEga paDaka vivariMpa dagunkani kalla nijamu telisina manujuDe pO neeti paruDu mahilO sumatee !

Corporate Lesson 6:
What you heard first need NOT be the right and final version. Don't base your decisions without listening all sides of story.


alluni maMci tanaMbunugollani saahitya vidya kOmali nijamunbolluna daMcina biyyamudellani kaakulunu lEvu teliyara sumatee !

Corporate Lesson 7:
Don't expect motherly treatment from your manager, brotherly concern from your HR, friendly treatment from your peers.


eppuDu tappulu vedakeDunappurushuni golva gooDa dadi yeTlannansarpaMbu paDaga neeDanukappa vasiMcina vidhaMbu gadaraa sumatee !

Corporate Lesson 8:
If you are blamed always for the failure, they are using you like a scapegoat rather than a leader in the organization.


eppuDu saMpada kaliginaappuDu baMdhuvulu vatturadi yeTlannanteppaluga ceruvu niMDina kappalu padi vElu cEru gadarA sumatI !
Corporate Lesson 9:
When your project is success, you will have lot of people who associate with you. Its like frogs get attracted to pond with full of water.


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