2nd US presedential Debate on Tue, Oct 7th 08

Belmont, Nashville, Tennesse was choosen as place for 2nd of 3 political debates for 2008 US Presedential Debate.

See the link below for more details on how Belmont was choosen by committe as debate town hall.


Face to Face discussion between two presedential candidate allows them to discuss in detail on National issues.

CPD: Commission on Presidential Debates : This commission decides the place of discussions, dates and people who will ask questions.

Uncommitted voters will be invited for this , only the people attending will know the question they are going to ask, no body else knows it. The committee for the first time has selected some questions from email also.

To know more about CPD see the below site


Rules of Debate:


No photography

90 minutes of question and answers.

Questions on any National issues or international policies.

Media is all set to analyze each word, facial expression , body language they used in the debate. Billions of eyes watching you, MR Would Be President !!!!!!!!!!!!!

Gallup non partisan organaization has selected non committed voters from Nashville. Gallup also works for Infosys in collecting feedback!!!!!! Wow i am proud.......

2 minute questinos and 2 minute for answer, 1 minute followup.

In his speech Robert Fisher, president of Belmont University spoke below lines:

"Every student is created for purpose, we dont teach that purpose. We try to make you realize yourself whom you want to service in this world."

These lines are really impressive.

Tom Brokaw, NBC news is the anchor.

"World has changed a lot, but not for the better"

Obama wants Warren Buffet as next treasury secretary, Mccain chosing eBay chariman. eBay started with 12 people and have 1.2 million people now.

Nuke energy: Obama against it, says not safe. McCain says its safe, he worked through that in Navy. I am with McCain in this cae.

health Insurance: McCain says its people responsibility. Obama says its people right. I am with Obama in this case.

McCain says "work softly and talk softly but carry a stick". I like this statement......

The Us presedential debate is exciting as expected. If i were given a chance i might vote for Obama!!!!!!!


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