In Wings of Fire -- A.P.J Abdul Kalam wrote:

My impression of the American people can be summarized by a quotation from Benjamin Franklin, “Those things that hurt instruct!” I realized that people in this part of the world meet their problems head on. They attempt to get out of them rather than suffer them.

A beautiful quote:
For all your days prepare
And meet them ever alike
When you are the anvil, bear-
When you are the hammer, strike.

Bread baked without love is bitter bread that feeds but half a man’s hunger.
-Khalil Gibran

An Incident which reflects the great leadership quality of Prof Sarabhai…

Once Prof Sarabhai visited Thumba, at that time there was an ongoing development project on surface to air missile. Team thought to show some development to Prof and asked him to operate the timer circuit to activate the nose-cone jettisoning. When Prof pressed the timer it didn’t worked, team was disappointed and tried to demonstrate it through direct connection to pyros instead of using timer. It did work this time. After this whole incident instead of pinning the blame on an individual or being concerned with the mistake in the timer circuit Prof spent his time thinking what has been lacking in the whole development be it space or time or money which might have caused the problem.

He identified the issue is that the development is not synchronized due to space availability. Mechanical and electrical work were carried out at different time and space. Prof. Sarabhai spent an hour in redefining the task and came up with a decision to set up a Rocket Engineering Section.

Use errors as opportunities and try to come up with innovative ideas rather than the obvious.

Prof Sarabhai’s approach on mistake was that they are inevitable but generally manageable.

more to come...


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