Quotes from my readings......

Hi Friends,
Here are some quotes from my book readings.......

From Whale done.....Ken Blanchard
Convey the needs, catch them doing right.
The more attention you pay to a behaviour, the more it will be repeated.
If you dont want to encourage poor behaviour, dont spend a lot of time on it. Instead rechannel your energy.

Build trus, accentuate the positive, when mistake occurs redirect the energy.
ABC of performance
A = Activationr (Whatever gets the performance going)
B = Behaviour (Performance that occurs)
C = Consequences (your response to performance)
No response, -ve response, redirection, positive response.

Redirection response:
Describe the error or problem as soon as possible, clearly and without blame.
show its -ve impact
if appropriate, take the blame for not making the task clear.
Go over the task in detail and make sure it is clearly understood.
Express your continuing trust and confidence in the person.

GOTCHA: Catching the people doing things wrong.
WHALE DONE: Catching people doing things right.
Praise your own progress, be patient. When something is worth doing, keep doing it.

If you dont have a clear vision, you will be lost in technology.
Dont be happy because some one copied you, they might do it better than you......

Finally the best two quotes:

"Patients running hospital"
"My way or High way"


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