Gartner Conference
Today I was able to spend some time in Gartner Conference. All the speakers are having wealth of knowledge and most importantly they work closely with executives of all big companies. One speaker I should mention specifically is Hung Lehong. He is wealth of knowledge and he can tie you to your seat with his knowledge. You can find his profile here I will discuss few points which stuck in my mind. Internet of things : This topic is all about connected devices talking to each other. The device can be your refrigerator complaining about lack of milk OR your car reminding you about servicing. Another example is your plants tweeting you that it has to be watered. You will feel this is possible after the below explanation. A sensor will be planted in your garden. Moisture sensors are available as low as $1.25 in Taiwan. It will connect to your wi-fi and send standard message through the controller. Sounds simple or Scary ? ...