Gartner Conference

Today I was able to spend some time in Gartner Conference. All the speakers are having wealth of knowledge and most importantly they work closely with executives of all big companies.

One speaker I should mention specifically is Hung Lehong. He is wealth of knowledge and he can tie you to your seat with his knowledge. You can find his profile here

I will discuss few points which stuck in my mind.

Internet of things: This topic is all about connected devices talking to each other. The device can be your refrigerator complaining about lack of milk OR your car reminding you about servicing. Another example is your plants tweeting you that it has to be watered. You will feel this is possible after the below explanation. A sensor will be planted in your garden. Moisture sensors are available as low as $1.25 in Taiwan. It will connect to your wi-fi and send standard message through the controller. Sounds simple or Scary ?

Big data: There was never a problem with lack of data, the problem is lack of information. Data says one Million people bought Kinect Game, Whereas information says out of that 65% pre-ordered online a week before on Wal-Mart site. Information drives you close to actions.

It seems only 15% of companies will be able to convert the data available to them into information by 2015.

WebMD: It is online portal that gives you analysis on health problems and symptoms. It is not supposed to provide prescriptions in North America. But in some countries it is valid market in health care arena. There is a device to do ultrasound for as low as $1, at least couple of zero's slashed when compared to current day ultra sound cost.

Mobile payments: It will be future payment methodology. Not in use in many places other than iTunes. But in future customers will be having their wallet in phone. Because you can carry on business cards and ID cards through mobile devices. There are apps for that. Mobile devices can replace credit card readers, price checkers in store.

Mcommerce, Scommerce, Ecommerce: People are familiar with eCommerce. Mcommerce is mobile commerce, the transactions happening through your mobile devices. SCommerce is Social commerce. This is not yet measurable as sales, but can influence your brand image and drive your sales either way (Up or Down).

Vendor management and Organization alignment: There was a presentation on Vendor management techniques and organization alignment. It is important to structure your organization well because there is lot of growth organically and some times in organically. I read somewhere Amazon bought 98 companies last year. I am still wondering how they are going to integrate all of these companies to mother ship. If they are running them as separate entities, I am not sure whats the advantage of the acquisition.

I would like to close this blog post with the side line conversation I had with Hung. I asked him, why there are more innovations happening in small companies when compared to big enterprises. The answer I received is not only convincing but also interesting. Innovation dept in big organizations should be like satellite roaming around the planet. It can not be on the planet at the same time it should not be far away in universe. Innovation department should be working close to enterprise with less baggage which big companies tend to have.

Happy reading !!!


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