Make money by spending time on social media - Ad Revenue Block Chain
Car, Home, Gold are NOT just the assets you own. The most important of all is DATA. That’s going to be your biggest asset in the future. Monetization of your own data is the future. In the near future, social media content will take over news, Movies, advertisement, Retail, Financial and other industries. Block chains is going to be the central piece of the puzzle for this revolution. If you take a look at the current revenue per user by social media organizations: Google around $24. Facebook + WhatsApp + Instagram average revenue per user is $12. Twitter $6 Snapchat $4. Either you can think of this as a fee for the entertainment and social network they are providing OR You can think of this as someone selling your data and making money. Depends on how you see it. I am not counting the $800 average Prime member spends on Amazon. Reason being you are getting a product physically, even if it is overpriced. With Social media it’s more of experience than physical product....