Quotes from the books I read

Time for few more quotes from the books I read. Mostly from Infinite games and Rising strong. When we die nobody will be declared as winner. In finite games there is a clear winner at the end of the duration based on metrics. In the infinite game, people drop out overtime but game lives on. Finite leaders look at metrics, infinite leader looks at continued inspiration. Finite games are seductive and addictive, we must resist that urge. Kodak is the first company to introduce stock dividend. You can choose courage or comfort, not both, not at the same time. Lot of seats in the arena filled with critics never ventured on the floor. Knowledge is a rumor until it lives in the muscle memory. - Indonesian Tribe Humans are feeling machines, that can think. You can change your life by charging thoughts, actions and feelings. When we know better, we do better. Expectations are resentments waiting to happen. Vision without execution is hallucination. Resentment is li...