Quotes from the Books I read

Some quotes from the earlier books I read:

  • We know more than we can tell
  • There are 2x10^270 possibilities in the game GO. More than atoms in universe. 
  • Half the money I spent on advertising is wasted,  the trouble is I don't know which half. FB solved this problem.
  • When compared, Cocaine is 20% of natural endorphin.
  • The tallest oak in the forest was once a nut, who stood his ground.
  • Strategy can not be created by committees.
  • You are going to make mistake. The sin is to make same mistake twice. The best is to learn from others mistakes.
  • If you take a penny and double it every day for next 30 days, you have more than 5million.
  • People are endlessly complicated.
  • During the 2nd world war US Air-force tried to train the pigeons to spot the bombing target for the bomber flights. It didn't work well, so they have to discard the program.
  • Confirmation bias, endowment effect, halo effect. google it, pretty interesting.
  • Similarity Judgements : when you give two things to a human, he will inherently count similar features and make the judgement. 
  • Gamblers fallacy: If it is straight heads two times, it could be a tail next time. 
  • Recency bias: Recent experience tend to overweight your decision. 
  • Vividness bias: overweight the prestigious attributes of a decision.  
  • Hindsight bias: ability to explain/defend  what we didn't predict. 
  • Selective matching: Drs used to suggest patients to move to warmer climate for arthritis. 
  • Isolation effect: looking at things zooming in, not holistically. 
  • Endowment effect: tend to value more, thats already in possession. 
  • Prospect theory states that decision-making depends on choosing among options that may themselves rest on biased judgments. 
  • Shadow theory: For example, a person might believe that to be assertive is to be selfish; so he goes through life being pushed around by others and deep down seething with resentment, which in turn makes him feel guilty. In this case, his potential for assertiveness and his resentment both form part of his shadow.
  • Sunk cost: already incurred,  can not be recovered.  Will not be considered in decision making.
  • Downtown abbey effect: pile of cash wiped out after 2nd world war due to inflation and taxation.
  • Whenever there is uncertainty  there is judgement, whenever there is judgement there is a possibility of error.
  • More people die in hospital because of misjudgment than car accidents in the world.
  • Nice thing about urgent things is, if you wait long enough it's not urgent anymore.
  • Educations is knowing what to do, when you don't know.
  • Images of the future should not be shaped by experience from the past.
  • People are not so complicated,  relationships between people are complicated. 
  • Humans are deterministic devices thrown in probabilistic universe. 
  • The difference between very smart and very foolish is often very small.
  • People experience something and remember something else.
  • Last impression can be lasting impression. 
  • No one ever made a decision because of a number, they need a story.
  • When a research was done, it showed  bronze medal winners are more happy than silver medal winners. Silver medalist has regret of not winning gold, bronze winner is happy to be on podium. 
  • What constitutes as gain or loss depends on representation of the problem and the context in which it arises.


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