US Politics VS Indian Politics

I know i have chosen the most sensitive topic so called POLITICS ,moreover it is about comparing INDIA and USA.

ACCEPTING: I dont have enough experience to write about this topic, but trying to pend down something which i feel.

The other day i was watching the "presedential Debate" between Obama and McCain. It is so professional, criticizing the thoughts and words of each other and never tried to blame each other personally.

They are discussing on strategy which is good for country on topic by topic basis. They professionally shook hands at the end of the debate. What is good for country and why they feel it is good. Basing on their vision, US citizens will chose their president.

If you see the strategy of these candidates in selecting their vice president, see their thought process.

Obama selected Joe Biden because he has 4 decades of political experience, earlier Obama was charged as inexperienced. Coming to McCain, he was not able to find the youth support so he selected Palin which really boosted support of youth to his campaign.

Find their profiles as below

Read John McCain's book "Faith of my Fathers" intro here...

Who ever wins its record in America, because
America is going to get either the first African American (Obama) president or first oldest (McCain, 75) president.....Lets wait and see ........

In india its still caste basing which parties allocate the party tickets to politicians. I know several cases where candidates were denied ticket because they dont have enough economic power, they are not right caste in their region who can pull votes.

US Politics: vision of the candidate and clean history , professionalism they are showing.
Indian Politics: Economy Power, Caste/Religion power, Gunda strength they have.

Four Pillars of Indian Politics: Caste, Money, Gunda power, political power in the family.

Can we bring professionalism in Indian politics? May be or May not be, If we can with whom we have to start? Where we have to start?

Evaro okaru epudo apudu nadavara munduga ato ito eto vipu........
veta ade vetu ade nati kadhe anta nattaduvulu nadi veedhiki nadichoste vinta.....

Edi emina, cheyyetti jai kottu Telugoda, gatamento ghana keerti kalavada.......


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