
I am not aware as to how many viewer watch K series (Ekta Kapoor Serials) nowadays. But as per my guess almost all the women in India watch her serials. Almost for the entire day the ladies are glued in front of the Television. If there is any topic to discuss, that would be "what happened last night to Tulsi, Parvati". With the development going around in the country, we wish there were more channels that would educate the people around the country. I dont recall the year in which DD used to broadcast a programme where they taught the villagers on how to read and write. But that was a time when only DD was available. In early 90s Star Plus and Zee TV came in. This was a big revolution in TV world. I know no one is interested in watching all the DD programmes especially the one i mentioned. We would rather switch the channel as we now have 100s of options to surf.

I remember when I was in Pune doing my masters, my land-lady wept bitterly for a week and did not eat properly. why? Mihir died in a road accident (Main lead actor and husband of Tulsi from Kyun ki Saas Bhi kabhi bahu thi). Almost the entire nation was in a great remorse at the loss of Mihir. So Ekta had to bring Mihir back to life. That was the effect of Tulsi.

Now after running for almost 8 long years, Kyun ki Saas bhi kabhi bahu thi was ended abruptly in November 2008. It was a big relief for all the anti K series group. K series usually starts off by showing the main protagonist as a simple girl who believes in her values, then she gets married to some handsome casanova hero. Then there would be a vamp mother in law or sister in law who hates the heroine and tries to cause problems in her life. Then to add more masala to the serial, we should have an extra marital affair. Then the poor heroine is left with no option but to marry some other guy. But she would still be in love with her former husband. When she remarries her former husband she wants to get back to her second husband.

Inspired by K series, all the other production houses make same kinds of serials. They start the serials with a different story-line, but they all end up being like K - Series. So, no matter what channel you watch, you will get a ting of K-Series factor.

Recently I read Ekta's comment somewhere in news paper stating that her serials reflect what is going on in the society. I think that maybe Ekta Kapoor is pointing to her family. Right Miss Ekta Kapoor?

So as long as we have such serials running in almost all the channels, I feel TV is going to remain an Idiot box to me. I am against all the K-series. They do not reflect any values of our society, but only shows a way spoil relationships.


Gud One, Because......
It has series of events of TV history,
it has humour in it,
content is expressive and original,
straight criticism.....

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