Best Friend & Worest Enemy

He was the best friend for those who follow him and worest enemy for those who oppose him.

When I was reading through the snippets of information about the deceased Andhra CM , YSR Reddy, I realised many things , any person will dream of having. He is adamant, dare to do, fights to any extent for the things he believe right. Think beyond what you think you can do, this line suites Mr. YSR. Some call this out of box thinking, but I call this dare to think. Some people can not come out of their framed mind to think beyond limits and to achieve that. This is true about everyone of us.

Some of the innovative schemes he brought are not even thought as possible things. Irrigation project worth 1 Lakh Crores, Health Insurance for poor etc. He is a double edged sword concentrating on innovative schemes and development of people at the same time he is dare to hit opponents under belt.

One thing I admire in him is, he never drops the ball , he takes it till the end whatever happens. People might come and go, but their personality leaves mark and creates history. There is good and bad about every body, we are discussing only good here.

If you ask me what you want to learn from this person's life, I will say Dare to think and do, fight for what you believe right irrespective of set backs. Some people read history but some people make history, so that the others who cant create history will read and enjoy.


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