Separate State

I don't have any articles in the recent past. Well actually I am little busy in petty things like cooking and eating :-)

Lets see what stuck my mind today. Its about separate state agitation in Southern part of India. Some people want separate state Telangana from  Andhra Pradesh --> India --> Asia, that is the farthest I can identify it globally.

Some how I strongly believe the recent political turmoil in Andhra has to do with EX CM. Once the strong CM (he was good or bad) passed away, things are getting destabilized in Andhra. I personally believe, dividing country into smallest possible pieces will not get progress.

We are still fighting with neighbor states to resolve Water Resources. One thing I can clearly understand from this issue is, its very easy to raise the sentiments of people. A politician can bring emotions out of people by quoting religion or region or language or caste etc., But unfortunately there is only one way to unite people i.e the intention to stay together and grow united. This is a weak cause when compared to such strong feelings.

I can't comment on peoples separate state sentiment, but I am opposing it. One line in Telugu, which I liked most...."Cheyyetti jai kottu telugoda, gatamento ghana keerti kalavada ..."


Hemant said…
Together we win ....

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