Counter -Encounter (Happy women's day)

Special series of Counter – Encounter for women’s day…
Does a woman like Six Pack guy or Bulky Valet guy?
Both if possible.
Does a man like Beauty girl or Brainee girl?
First one is dream; second one just exists in imagination.
Do you like women?
I enjoy women.
Why do you write so much on women?
It’s never ending topic. They never stop talking; you can’t stop talking about them.
Define baby, Teen girl and Women in programming language.
Baby is integer variable. Teen girl is like string variable. A woman is complex variable.
What do you love about women?
What do you hate about women?
Behind every successful man there is a woman.
I agree they are always behind successful man.
Can’t you write a single word positively about women?
I like beautiful women in bed, is that considered positive statement.
Without women world doesn’t exist, do you know that?
Ok, then try to create world without men. All the best.


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