Are you Social Expert ?

Two things that are going to be there in 2011 are Cloud and Social Network. Any blog I write on these two things I fully enjoy. Having social presence is important these days as more business offers and identifications are happening basing on social network potential you have. Palm hotel in Lasvegas takes into count your KLOUT score to provide you extra facilities so that you can influence others in your network to go to this hotel.

Recently McDonald's offered discount for all Four Square users checking into McDonald's. I can see the trend growing. Next year we are going to see some more innovative things basing on Location based services and Social Networks. I was reading through some factoids on what makes you social expert. There are some parameters for this.

1. Your Google presence. Search on your name like "Surya Prakash Jayanti".
2. Your Twitter Followers. 90% of your followers are authentic. Remaining 10% will be spam. 2000 followers will qualify you for expert position.
3. Klout Score of 30+. My score is 21 :-)
4. 1000+ Facebook Friends
5. 500+ Linked in Network
6. Facebook Page of 250+ likes / fans.

Apart from this he should have presence in all other influential social media. No social media blog post is complete unless we talk about the evils of Social Media. Now every company has Social Media policy, including my current employer Infosys. Read through your employer policy on social networking. If you don't have time or patience to go through the policy follow simple tip, use your Commonsense, NOT your emotions.


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