Amazing or Amazon ???

Founded: Incorporated July 1994

Vision: To be Earth's most customer-centric company where people can find and discover anything they want to buy online.

If you are studying about eCommerce your study is not complete without reading about Amazon. What amazes me about amazon is their strategy. They are not like other companies who will become competitors. They conquered an industry (book publishing). They never competed, they conquered.

This company is spending lot of money, they are not worried about profits, margins and success. Every body knows about, Amazon Kindle Fire, amazon cloud and their web services. But there is more than what meets human eye here.

Amazon is also into several businesses which we are not paying attention. Like Music, Video, App store, Grocery distribution (Seattle, WA) etc.,

It has faster growth than eBay and Google on a scale of 5 years. Netflix, IMDB, foursquare, zynga, Yelp use Amazon web service. has 38% growth in eCommerce in the last year. Though the current cloud service is B2B, slowly they are rolling this out to customers as well. In the last 15 years, Amazon went from 1 category (books) to 15 categories.

They concentrate on relevance and end to end business. For example they have photo blogging website, photo sharing cloud services, camera shopping .com website. So in totality they are not letting you leave their premises. That is bringing diversity too. By the way 40+ % of the sales are international as well.

Some more interesting facts about Amazon are like, 24 items ordered per second, it has highest hits in one hour 630,000 on Dec 15th and 2.1 million products ordered in one day.

No wonder if people are comparing Jeff Bezos with Jack Welch and Amazon with GE of our days. Two best things about Amazon are Logistics and Information management. Last but not least, Information officer and Logistics officer are poached from Walmart in 1998.

Happy Reading !!!


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