Quotes that hit me
Smarter Faster Better - Charles Duhigg
- Need for control is biological imperative.
- Each choice no matter how small reinforces
- perception of control.
- Internal locus of control vs external locus of control.
- Teams need psychological Safety
360 Degrees Leadership - John Maxwell
- Leadership is a choice you make, not position you sit.
- When opportunity comes its too late to prepare.
- A position doesn't make leader, leader makes the position.
- Try to stay on top of your game, instead of top of your org.
- Good leaders rarely think in terms of boundaries, They think of opportunities.
- We can get so much focused on dreams, Loosing sight of our responsibilities.
- If we focus on being some other place because we think it is better, then we will neither enjoy where we are Nor do what we need to succeed.
- I am huggable and Buggable.
- It's more important to get along than to get ahead.
- Vision begins with one person, but it is only accomplished by many people.
- Instead of wanting a position where people follow you, Become a person people want to follow.
- Successful people make decisions early and Manage daily.
- The greatest enemy of good thinking is business.
- Show me what you can do, don't just tell me What you can do.
- When you help someone bigger than you, It makes you part of something bigger.
- It's not how heavy the load is, it's how you carry it.
- There are no traffic jams on the extra mile.
- The higher level you play, the lesser they accept excuses.
- It's easier to move from failure to success than excuse to success.
- The goal is more important than role.
- Trust your hunches , they are usually the facts filed away just below the conscious level.
- The difference between good idea and great idea is often the value added during the collaborative process.
- The key to personal development is growth oriented not goal oriented.
- If your past accomplishments are not looking small then you haven't grown.
- Leadership is all about growing others.
- To connect with people walk at their pace.
- The best designers are those who thought about their experience than others.
- You cannot give what you do not have,
- In order to develop people, you need to keep growing yourself.
- Your desire is your power.
- For schooling 70% might wotk, not for trust.
- Vision tells them where they need to go, Purpose tells them why they need to go.
- Not all good decision makers are leaders, but all the leaders are decision makers.
- Start doing what is necessary, then what is possible, Suddenly you will be doing impossible.
- If you can lead volunteers well, you can be a good leader. Because you have no leverage on volunteers.
- LATTE METHOD: Listen, Acknowledge, Take action, Thank, explain why it happened.
- People become good by nature, habit, instructions.