Saying nothing is saying something

I took a resolution NOT to be controversial after getting harassed socially few years back because of my views about M.F. Hussain. Since then I tried to stay within boundaries and avoid controversies. More than dozen blog posts I still kept as draft is the witness to that resolution.

Now I think I am breaking that promise (in views of few people). But I want to speak about it, express my thoughts on Black Lives Matter. If you are saying all lives matter then you are treating vulnerable and less vulnerable same way. We as humans developed a social system to prioritize Children, elderly, disabled, women in case of emergencies. That shows the culture of humans and how we are different than the animals in the wild.

From time to time we prioritize and re-adjust to the circumstances of the society. We as society grown from NO voting right to Women, NO voting right to Afro-Americans to a society of equal rights. We are NOT living in the best society every lived on earth, we are in the pursuit of the best society that works for the current times.

We as civilized humans raised voice against domestic violence against women, we never said all domestic violences equal. We prioritized more vulnerable population. Society started providing more opportunities for women in the fields that was only for men. That is bridging the economic difference (in pay) between men and women. We are NOT perfect, we are NOT there yet, but we are making steps towards it.

Poverty is a vicious cycle. The quote of poverty and wild is same "struggle for existence". Historically one race is more vulnerable to poverty than others. Our leaders, politicians should prioritize on getting people out of poverty. Address the neighborhoods in poverty, modify training provided to police, economic schemes for upliftment. Defunding police or labeling victims is not going to help. There is a problem, acknowledge it and let's fix it.

Intentionally I am not talking about riots and looting here. They are acts of few selfish people who are de-railing the whole movement. When I read about why Gandhi canceled "Dandi" march because of the violence, I was disappointed for that reason at that time. Now I understand the conviction of leaders like MLK and Gandhi to keep the mission clean and motivation pure.

Society is a delicate fabric made out of multiple threads. pulling one thread out makes the fabric weak. So let me say it "Black Lives Matter".  Saying nothing is saying something. 


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