My stab at understanding Stoic philosophy

Stoic philosophy founded by person named Zeon in 3rd century at Athens. Being stoic means being calm and without any emotion. You don't show feelings and you accept what is happening. It's about life and maximizing positive emotions. It doesn't mean being humorless or passion less. It's philosophy of personal ethics as well. Stoicism teaches development of self-control.

Let's look at few beliefs and strategies of Stoicism.

  • If you are unhappy its your fault
  • Everything is temporary
  • we are social beings with social duty
  • Freedom and happiness depend on one principle, somethings are in your control and somethings are not.

Few strategies to follow for Stoicism:

  • Live simply, have nothing you can not loose
  • Accept what can not be changed.

Few main components in the Stoic philosophy as per my understanding are 

  • Logic: A way to determine if your perception of the world is correct or not.
  • Physics: A structure to understand both active and passive world.
  • Ethics: How to live ones life 

This philosophy has nothing to do with god, Stoics can pray for self-improvement. There are other religions teach similar kind of principles. It's hard to be indifferent in this materialistic world. Some of these principles help for a satisfied life in this pandemic. Especially it embeds a culture of thinking about what you can control and NOT to worry about external factors. 

Interesting, give it a thought.

Resource: Mostly google search.


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