System is ignoring key variable in the equation

Though it looks like an error message, read it carefully, very interesting thought. "System is ignoring key variable in the equation". This is from the movie WIRED , a Canadian film about laying faster cables between NYC and Kansas City to make Wall street transactions few milliseconds fast. In that movie, one of the character explains about the Wall street system and its variables. 

The lemon farmer grows lemons in his farm. He sells it to distributor, then distributor sells to retail stores or manufacturing industry. Then Wal-street bets on companies dealing with this trade. So if you see companies bets on companies and no body cares about the farmer not listed on share market. That is the key variable missing in the system. 

Who built this system ? humans like you and me. how did they ignore critical variable in this equation ? We all know all the variables in the equation are not having same value. Value proposition for different variable is dependent on so many factors. But always the lemon farmer is the least profitable part and most vulnerable variable in this equation. Second most vulnerable part of this equation is consumer.


Lemon Farmer + Distributor + Retail Store + Wall Street + Consumer = Economic System 

America's rich people became richer by 1.1 Trillion dollars during the pandemic, while more than 8 million people fall into below poverty line.

Don't take me as a person against capitalism. I support capitalism, but we have to work together to make sure all the critical part of the system are valued properly, otherwise we fail as a society. 

I am not talking about equitable distribution of wealth, I am talking about equitable distribution of opportunities. Don't make it difficult for under privileged societies to excel. Don't control the system OR fix it in a way that serves few people much better than other. It will take us right back to where we came from. Days of kings and emperors, slaves. You and I are part of this society, system and equation. We are the only people who can make this game fair, remember we rigged this in the first place :-)



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