Random Quotes from books

Random quotes I liked from few books like Empowered, Inspired and others.

Quality of work = time spent × intensity of focus.

Our brains construct world view based on what we pay attention to.

A factory of the future Will have two jobs, human and dog. Human is responsible for feeding dog, dog's responsibility is to make sure human is not touching machines.

In future people with commonsense design machines, people with less commonsense will be ordered by machines.

One person gets hired every 15 seconds on Linkedin. two and half times more likely to apply if the job is remote. one in seven jobs is now remote.

Product manager should have deep knowledge of customer, data, stakeholders and industry.

“A's hire A's, but B's hire C's.”

speed, scale and discipline to implement it are the 3 fundamentals of product success.

Collaboration doesn't mean consensus.

Three rules of decision making: The first rule is to identify the issue as such and make the decision. The second rule refers to not continually going back and revisiting earlier decisions. Finally, remember that opportunities can often start out looking like difficult problems or decisions.

Steve Jobs of Apple, Larry and Sergey of Google, and Jeff Bezos of Amazon were all coached by the same person: Bill Campbell, known as “The Coach of Silicon Valley.”

Most successful sports franchise in the world is NewZealand black caps Rugby team, their hiring strategy is "No Ass Hole Rule".

Most people don't intend to be cruel or insensitive, they just don't have as many social cues to go on.

As Tom Peters said, “Leaders don't create followers, they create more leaders.”

Conway's Law: It states that any organization that designs a system will produce a design whose structure mirrors the organization's structure.

Hippo dominant decision making style could hurt organizations. Hippo = Highest paid person opinion.

The main thing is to keep the main thing, the main thing. - Jim Barksdale.

vision pivots have both saved and created countless companies. Slack, YouTube, Facebook, and Netflix are just a few of the companies that experienced this.

A roof shot refers to a team being asked to be conservative and pursue lower‐risk, but also highly likely, tangible results. Optimization work fits well here.

On the other hand, a moon shot is when the team is asked to be very ambitious, such as going for a 10X improvement.

Now that we know what actions we need each product team to pursue, we need to discuss how we assign this work in such a way as to empower the team.

The essential point of team objectives is to empower a team by: 

  • Giving them a problem to solve rather than a feature to build, and 
  • Ensuring they have the necessary strategic context to understand the why and make good decisions.

My leadership philosophy in an innovation‐driven context can be simplified into three main components: 

  1. Trust and safety 
  2. Freedom and autonomy, and 
  3. Culture and purpose. - Avid Duggan.

Great teams are made up of ordinary people who are inspired and empowered.

If you're just using your engineers to code, you're only getting about half their value.

Uber surge pricing algorithm and Sydney attack. Uber had an algorithm to use surge pricing when there is sudden spike in demand. During terrorist attack in Sydney , Uber applied surge pricing. They immediately created an over ride and it was applied during London attacks at a later date.

Polanyi's paradox: Polanyi's paradox, named in honor of the British-Hungarian philosopher Michael Polanyi, is the theory that human knowledge of how the world functions and capability are, to a large extent, beyond our explicit understanding.


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