
Showing posts from July, 2022

Quotes from "Limitless - Jim Kwik" Part II

Continued from   Quotes from "Limitless - Jim Kwik" Part I ... Somewhere between 40% to 50 % of what we do everyday is the product of a habit. The habits you repeat (or don't repeat) every day largely determine your health, wealth, and happiness. Habit is either best of servants or the worst of masters. Perfectionism reduces creativity and innovation. Concentration is at the crux of all human success and endeavor. Concentration muscle will become incredibly strong, and your focus will reach limitless levels. The human brain has the capacity to digest as much as 400 words per minute of information. On an average people can write 10-12 words a minute, and the average speaker speaks at around 100 words a minute. The man who does not read good books has NO advantage over the man who can't read them. LEADERS ARE READERS. There were 5 Exabytes of information created between the dawn of civilization through 2003, but that much information is now created every 2 days. If you...

Quotes from "Limitless - Jim Kwik" Part I

Few of the quotes that are really interesting from Jim Kwik's books "Limitless". There is No pill for genius, but there is a process to get there. No problem can be solved from same level of consciousness that created it. If knowledge is power, then learning is our super power. The average person consumes three times as much information as we did in the 1960's. Digital deluge, Digital distraction, digital dementia and digital deduction are the four sins of modern world. Compared to the 15th century, we now consume as much data in a single day as an average person from 1400s would have absorbed in an entire lifetime. Short term memory pathways will start to deteriorate from underuse if we overuse technology. In a research conducted on London taxi drivers, It seemed that the longer someone had been driving a taxi, the larger his hippocampus, as though the brain expanded to accommodate the cognitive demands of navigating London's streets. Give a person an idea, and y...

Quotes from the book "Think like a Monk" - Part V

Continued from: For previous blog,  Quotes from the book "Think like a Monk" - Part IV: What did you fail at today ? Failing meant they were trying, and that was more important than the immediate result. Lets not confuse an inflated ego with healthy self-esteem. The ego wants everyone to like you. High self-esteem is just fine if they don't. We either ask everyone for advice about one problem or we ask one person for advice about all of our problems. You shouldn't feel small compared to others, but you should feel small compared to your goals. Believe those who search for the truth; doubt those who have found it. If you are creating a memory, keep your eyes open. if you are reconnecting , then close them. Appreciate everything, even the ordinary. Especially the ordinary - Pema Chodron. If thankfulness were a drug, it would be the world's best-selling product. The salt is the pain of life. It is constant, but if you put it in a small glass, it tastes bitter. If you...

Quotes from the book "Think like a Monk" - Part IV

Continued from: For previous blog, Quotes from the book "Think like a Monk" - Part III: There  are three routes to happiness, all of them centered on knowledge: learning, progressing and achieving. Make your mind your friend. All spiritual teaching - this is not an oversimplification - is about how to be present to the moment... but the problem is, we're almost always somewhere else: reliving the past or worrying about the future. The crane stands still in water, ignoring the small fish as they pass by. Her stillness allows her to catch the bigger fish. Detachment is not that you own nothing, but that nothing should own you. We train our brains. In the end, it is your mind that translates the outside world into happiness or misery. Pride of wealth destroys wealth, pride of strength destroys strength and in the same manner pride of knowledge destroys knowledge. There is a meme that shows warren Buffett and Bill Gates standing side by side. The caption reads, "$162 Bil...

Quotes from the book "Think like a Monk" - Part III

Continued from: For previous blog, Quotes from the book "Think like a Monk" - Part II: Success doesn't guarantee happiness and happiness doesn't require success. we can better handle discomfort when we can associate it with a goal, purpose, or person we care about. As monks, we learned to clarify our intentions through the analogy of seeds and weeds. When we plant seed it grows taller, when you have weed it never grows into something wonderful. External goals cannot fill internal voids. When Picasso charged $30,000 for a 30 seconds picture, he said, It took me thirty years of practice to be that perfect. So the charge is just NOT for the time it took to paint. Living intentionally means stepping back from  external goals, letting go of outward definitions of success, and looking within. When your natural talents and passions (Varna) connect with what the universe needs (Seva) and become your purpose, you are living in your dharma. Passion + Expertise + Usefulness = Dh...

Quotes from the book "Think like a Monk" - Part II

Continued from: Quotes from the book "Think like a Monk" - Part I: It is impossible to build one's own happiness on the unhappiness of others. - Daisaku Ikeda. Cancers of the Mind: Comparing, Complaining, Criticizing. Do not give your attention to what others do or fail to do; give it to what you do or fail to do. Letting go gives us freedom, and freedom is the only condition for happiness. If, in our hear, we still cling to anything - anger, anxiety, or possessions-we cannot be free. Don't count the teeth in someone else's mouth. Similarly, don't attempt to fix a problem unless you have the necessary skills. Letting go doesn't mean wiping away negative thoughts, feelings, and ideas completely. The truth is that these thoughts will always arise- it is what we do with them that makes the difference. Spot, Stop, Swap: This is the most important thing in the book. Spot your thoughts, stop the bad ones and swap them for something better. If you think you are t...

Quotes from the book "Think like a Monk" - Part I

There is a series of 5 Blogposts about the quotes I collected from this book of Jay Shetty - "Think like a Monk". Out of 67 books I read so far this is my most favorite book till date.  If you want happiness for an hour - go sleep. If you want happiness for a day - go fishing. If you want happiness for a year - inherit wealth. if you want happiness for life - go help someone else. Helpers High and Givers Glory. A layperson who is consciously aiming to be continuously alive in the Now is a monk. In the last three thousand years humans haven't really changed. It is better to live your own destiny imperfectly than to live an imitation of somebody else's life with perfection - Bhagavad Gita 3.35 I am Not what I think I am , and I am not what you think I am, I am what I think you think I am - Charles Horton Cooley We live in a perception of a perception of ourselves, and we've lost our real selves as a result. When you try to live your most authentic life, some of your...

Quotes from the books I read

Most of the quotes are from the books "Elon Musk" and "Start with Why". I think there are too many smart people pursuing internet stuff, finance and Law. That is part of the reason why we haven't seen as much innovation. The best minds of our generation are thinking about how to make people click ads, that sucks. Innovation is a finite resource,  the probability of finding another top 100 type Innovation is getting thinner. The proven way to handle crime in NY subways was, control graffiti and fare beating. Think simple. Convictions of your heart, content of your thought are less important in guiding your action, than the immediate context. Peer influence and community influence more important than genes. The longer you wait to fire someone, the longer it has been since you should have fired them - Elon Musk Elon's biggest enemy is himself and the way he treats people. One good engineer is better than 3 above average one's. MLK gave  I have a dream speec...