Quotes from the book "Think like a Monk" - Part V

Continued from: For previous blog, Quotes from the book "Think like a Monk" - Part IV:

What did you fail at today ? Failing meant they were trying, and that was more important than the immediate result.

Lets not confuse an inflated ego with healthy self-esteem. The ego wants everyone to like you. High self-esteem is just fine if they don't.

We either ask everyone for advice about one problem or we ask one person for advice about all of our problems.

You shouldn't feel small compared to others, but you should feel small compared to your goals.

Believe those who search for the truth; doubt those who have found it.

If you are creating a memory, keep your eyes open. if you are reconnecting , then close them.

Appreciate everything, even the ordinary. Especially the ordinary - Pema Chodron.

If thankfulness were a drug, it would be the world's best-selling product.

The salt is the pain of life. It is constant, but if you put it in a small glass, it tastes bitter. If you put it in a lake, you cant taste it. Expand your senses, expand your world, and the pain will diminish. Don't be the glass. Become the lake.

If you ask a monk what he has been given, the answer is everything. I doubt if you get the same response if you ask rich.

Every person is a world to explore. - Thich Nhat Hanh.

People come into your life for a reason, a season or a lifetime.

According to studies by Dr. Bella DePaulo, people are dishonest in one-fifth of their interactions.

Attractive subjects gain a 'beauty premium' in that they are trusted at higher rates.

After a meditation, nobody asked how long you'd meditated, they asked how deep you 'd gone.

Your value doesn't depend on someone's ability to fully appreciate you.

The astrophysicist Neil deGrasse Tyson said, "We are all connected to each other - biologically. To the earth - chemically, And to the rest of the universe  - atomically.

We seek to leave a place cleaner than we found it, people happier than we found them, the world better than we found it.

Selflessness heals the self.

Americans in the bottom percentage of income gave, on average, 3% of their earnings to charity where people in the top 20% gave 1%. Just to be fair, the wealthy are still responsible for over 70% of charitable contributions.

If you want to find the secrets of the universe, think in terms of energy, frequency, and vibration.

Thanks to Jay Shetty for changing several lives with his experiences.


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