Quotes from "Limitless - Jim Kwik" Part I

Few of the quotes that are really interesting from Jim Kwik's books "Limitless".

There is No pill for genius, but there is a process to get there.

No problem can be solved from same level of consciousness that created it.

If knowledge is power, then learning is our super power.

The average person consumes three times as much information as we did in the 1960's.

Digital deluge, Digital distraction, digital dementia and digital deduction are the four sins of modern world.

Compared to the 15th century, we now consume as much data in a single day as an average person from 1400s would have absorbed in an entire lifetime.

Short term memory pathways will start to deteriorate from underuse if we overuse technology.

In a research conducted on London taxi drivers, It seemed that the longer someone had been driving a taxi, the larger his hippocampus, as though the brain expanded to accommodate the cognitive demands of navigating London's streets.

Give a person an idea, and you enrich their day. Teach a person how to learn, and they can enrich their entire life.

When factory owner asked a technician to give itemized bill for his 1 minute work, he gave like this "Turning screw: $1, knowing which screw to turn $9,999".

Research suggests humans forget approximately 50% of what they learn within an hour, and an average of 70% within 24 hours.

Every now and then a man's mind is stretched by a new idea or sensation, and never shrinks back to its former dimensions.

If you make everything important, then nothing becomes important.

Life is C between B and D, meaning that the life we live is the CHOICES we make between BIRTH and DEATH.

Every second, your senses gather up to 11 million bits of information from the world around you. The conscious mind typically processes only 50 bits per second.

Thinking is a process of reasoning through something, during which we ask and answer questions. He who asks questions, cannot avoid the answers.

Mindset is made up of beliefs, assumptions, and attitudes we hold about ourselves and the world around us.

In psychology, it's called learned helplessness. Where bigger elephant is tied with small rope but younger elephants tied with chains.

Every day before May 6, 1954, people were absolutely certain that a sub Four minute mile was beyond the range of human capabilities. Forty-six days after bannister did it, someone else beat his time.

The difference between limiting beliefs and limitless mindset is like the difference between a thermometer and thermostat.

Thinking of talent as innate makes our world more manageable, more comfortable. It relieves a person of the burden of expectation.

Even on a good day, we only use 40% of our brain capacity.

Knowledge X Action = Power.

All the books, podcasts, seminars, online programs and inspiring social media posts in the world won't work until you put your knowledge into action.

The key is consistency. You must have the patience to consistently come back at it again and again.

Creating the life you want can be scary. But you know what's scarier? Regret.

There is always a method behind what looks like magic.

Here's the formula: Motivation = Purpose X Energy X S3 (Small simple steps).

Often our greatest struggles lead to our greatest strengths.

A goal is the point one wishes to achieve. A purpose is the reason one aims at to achieve a goal.

Zeigarnik effect - That uncompleted tasks create a level of tension that keeps the task at the front of our minds until it is completed.

Continued at Quotes from "Limitless - Jim Kwik" Part II


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