Quotes from recent books
Quotes from "My Journey Home"
- Within you, without you
- According to our surroundings and experiences, we have a particular perception of reality.
- When passion is frustrated, people lose all good sense.
- The nature of the mind is to interpret nonessentials essential. The mind creates artificial needs, believing it cannot live without them. In this way we carry a great burden of attachments through our life.
- Where there is faith, fear cannot exist.
- You may have to leave the geographical boundaries of India. However, you never have to leave Bharata, the spirit of India within.
- Saintly personality can be softer than a rose or harder than a thunderbolt.
Quotes from "The Dark Net"
- Normal person + anonymity + audience = Total Fuckwad
- For every starry-eyed vision of future utopias there was an equally vividly dystopian nightmare
- The idea that technology is neutral, just a tool, is plain wrong. That's never been the case. It embodies basic choices and values of any society.
- All Trans humanists accept that fairly mundane point - but sees that as an unfortunate, but inevitable, part of progress.
Quotes from "Artificial Unintelligence"
- Doctors were forgiven and allowed to resume practicing medicine after being found guilty of abusing patients.
- Availability Heuristic: The stories that spring to mind first are those one we tend to think are the most important or occur most frequently.
- The computer will get enough things right enough of the time that we may be tempted to call it mostly correct - but it will get things right for exactly the wrong reasons.
- Our brains today take in more than 11 million pieces of information at any given moment; because we can process only about 40 of those consciously, our Non-conscious mind takes over, using biases and stereotypes.
- Number of deaths from motor vehicle traffic was 35,398 in 2014.
- In self-driving car, death is a feature, not a bug.
- One of the core values of the Internet is the idea that things can be ranked.
- There is even term for the useless software that people make: vaporware. The idea is that it's created, and then it evaporates because nobody works on the project after the hackathon.
- No man is better than a machine, and no machine is better than a man with a machine.