Quotes from the books

Quotes from Miracle of mindfulness - Thich Nhat Hanh

I think the real miracle is not to walk either on water or in thin ari, but to walk on earth consciously.

When walking, the practitioner must be conscious that he is walking. when sitting, he must be conscious he is sitting. No matter what position one's body is in, the practitioner must be conscious of that position.

We must be conscious of each breath, each movement, every thought and feeling.

Mindfulness to refer to keeping one's concsciousness alive to the present reality.

Hardest of all is to practice the way at home, second in the crowd, and third in the pagoda.

A person who knows how to breathe is a person who knows how to build up endless vitality.

Meditation is not evasion; it is a serene encouter with reality.

Mediation is contemplating Body, feelings, mind and eternal objects.

Quotes from zero to one - Peter Thiel

In a world of scarce resources, globalization without new technology is unsustainable.

The most contrarian thing of all is not to oppose the crowd but to think for yourself.

All happy families are alike; each unhappy family is unhappy in its own way.

Great business is defined by its ability to generate cash flows in the future.

Beginning with brand rather than substance is dangerous.

You must study the endgame before everything else.

Success results from a "patchwork of lucky breaks and arbitrary advantages".

Arguing over process has become a way to endlessly defer making concrete plans for a better future.

Modern people are depressed because all the world's hard problems have already been solved. Whats left to do is either easy or impossible, and pursuing those tasks is deeply unsatisfying.

If your goals is to never make a mistake in your life, you shouldn't look for secrets.

Its rarely good idea to tell everybody everything that you know.

Bob Dylan has said that he who is not busy being born is busy dying.

Internal conflict is like an autoimmune disease: The technical cause of death may be pneumonia, but the real cause remains hidden from plain view.

Every company culture can be plotted on linear spectrum: Consultants vs cult. Consultants just deliver whats asked of, cult is franatic ownership.

If you've invented something new but you haven't invented an effective way to sell it, you have a bad business - no matter how good the product.

A cheap laptop beats the smartest mathemeticians at some tasks but even a supercomputer with 16,000 CPUs can't beat a child at others.

Strong AI is like a cosmit lottery ticket: if we win, we get utopia; if we lose, Skynet substitutes us out of existence.

Every king was a living god, and every god a murdered king.

Above all, don't overestimate your own poweer as an individual. The single greatest danger for a founder is to become so certain of his own myth that he loses his mind.

Happy Reading !!!


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