Quotes from the book "Win every argument" By Mehdi Hasan

I didn't know much about this author, picked up the book, and then went back and watched some of his debates on TV, very strong orator, argumentative, and most of all excellent hard worker. He does a lot of background work before every important interview. 

This book is better suited as an audiobook than an ebook or handbook, as the author curated live interview audio snippets for his examples. Here are some of the interesting quotes from his book

It's better to debate and settle than settle and debate.

You have to grab attention in the first 8 seconds. Make the most important point first, Leave the knowledge gap/curiosity, and start with insightful questions or jokes. 

Know your audience, quote folks with whom they resonate, and what they are seeking. Like Ronald Regan's quote about immigration to the audience, if you are debating about immigration in front of a conservative audience.

These are the three most important things in an argument

  • Ethos: Credibility, establish credibility with the audience. if you are talking about viruses, quote doctors, not bloggers.
  • Pathos: Emotions, if you are talking about vaccines, talk about families that left behind kids without taking vaccines. 
  • Logos: Reasoning, If you are talking about Dr's peer-reviewed study which says 90% of hospitalizations are reduced. Thats logic.


Stay calm in arguments: deep breaths, laughing ( find humor in your situation), keep calm carry on. 

Work on 4 Ps, pitch, power, pace, pose. 

Preparation is key, brainstorming, research, and role-play. If you have to talk for one hour you don't need much preparation but if you want to talk for 1 minute you need a lot of preparation.  

See everybody seeing, think nobody thought. 

Research means Googling beyond page 1. You can start with Wiki but don't end with it. 


3 things in the closing argument: Quotes, humanized anecdotes, and a heartfelt call to action. 

They may forget what you said, but they will never forget how you made them feel. 

Don't bring a new argument at the end, the end is for summarizing. 

Humans are feeling machines that think.

Abruptness is bad, and Tardiness is worst in ending speeches. 

Happy Reading !!!


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