Quotes from the book "AI Super Powers" - Kai Fu Lee

Here are some thought-provoking quotes from the book " AI Super-powers" by Kai-Fu Lee

Artificial Intelligence is the elucidation of the human learning process, the quantification of the human thinking process, the explication of human behavior, and the understanding of what makes intelligence possible.

Neural networks require large amounts of two things: Computing power and data.

Harnessing the power of AI today - the "electricity" of the twenty-first century - requires four analogous inputs: abundant data, hungry entrepreneurs, AI scientists, and an AI-friendly policy environment.

Kai-Fu Lee Predicts that within 15 years, AI will technically be able to replace around 40%-50% of jobs in the US. 47% of US jobs could be automated within the next decade or two.

Instead of being mission-driven(like US entrepreneurs), Chinese companies are first and foremost market-driven. Their ultimate goal is to make money.

Chinese companies invest in depth (they own end-to-end business), like Uber of China will also own, repair shops, tire shops, and driving institutes. In contrast, US companies are abstract-driven, they treat themselves like platforms.

While the amount of money raised is important, so is the burn rate and the "stickiness" of the customers.

Once technical talent reaches a certain threshold, it begins to show diminishing returns. Beyond that point, data makes all the difference.

When asked how far China lags behind Silicon Valley in AI, some Chinese entrepreneurs jokingly answer "16 hours" - the time difference between California and Beijing.

AGI optimists also worry about "Control problem" OR "Value Alignment problem".  A super Intelligent machine should think of something other than eliminating humans to solve the global warming problem.

PwC estimates that the US and China are set to capture a full 70% of the $15.7 trillion that AI will add to the global economy by 2030, with China alone taking home $7 trillion. Other countries will be left to pick up the scraps.

The hardest thing about facing death isn't the experiences you won't get to have. It's the ones you can't have back.

Of all the functions available on the device(Trial version of elderly help Monitor), the one that received by far the most use wasn't the food delivery, TV controls, or doctor's consultation. It was the customer-services button. They were calling simply because they were lonely and wanted someone to talk to.

Education is the best long-term solution to the AI-related employment problems we will face.


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