Books I Read

Here is the list of books I read so far......
  1. You can Win - Shiv khera
  2. Whale Done - Kenneth H. Blanchard and others
  3. Who Moved my cheese - Kenneth H. Blanchard
  4. The one minute manager - Kenneth H. Blanchard
  5. High performing Teams - Kenneth H. Blanchard
  6. The monk who sold his ferrari - Robin Sharma
  7. Wings of Fire - APJ Abdul Kalam
  8. Polyester Prince - Life Story of Dhirubhai Ambani
  9. White Tiger - Aravind Adiga
  10. My experiments with Truth - Gandhi
  11. Road Ahead - Bill Gates
  12. Winning - Jack Welch
  13. Wits and Wisdom of Warren Buffet
  14. A Game As Old As Empire - Book on Economic Hit Man
  15. Made in America - Sam Walton
  16. Strength Finder 2.0 - Tom rath.
  17. One minute manager - Ken blanchard
  18. Fierce conversation- Susan Scott
  19. Blitz scaling - Chris Yeh and Reid Hoffman
  20. Accelerate - Gene Kim, Jez Humble, and Nicole Forsgren
  21. Lean In - sheryl sandberg
  22. Heart of Leader - Ken Blanchard
  23. Hooked - Nir eyal.
  24. Self matters - phillip mcgraw
  25. Gung ho - ken blanchard
  26. Self leadership - ken blanchard
  27. Our iceburg is melting -John kotter
  28. How google works - eric schmidt and jonathan 
  29. 7 habits of highly effective prople - stephen covey
  30. How to win friends and influence people- dale Carnegie.
  31. Hit Refresh - Satya Nadella.
  32. Extreme ownership - jocko willink and leif babin
  33. Bad Blood - john carreyrou.
  34. Dichotomy of leadership - jocko willink and leif babin
  35. Smarter Faster Better - Charles Duhigg
  36. 360 degrees leader - John C  Maxwell 
  37. Mindset - Carol s Dweck
  38. The power of Habit  - Charles Duhigg
  39. Eat that Frog - Brian Tracy
  40. Great Quotes from Great Leaders - career press.
  41. Freknomics - steven kevitt, stephen dubner.
  42. The Brain fog fix - Dr Mike Dow
  43. Decisive - ChipHeath and Dan heath
  44. Incognito - David eagleman
  45. Blink - Malcom Gladwell
  46. One Click - Richard Brandt
  47. Emotional intelligence 2.0 - Travis Bradberry & Jean greaves
  48. A curious Mind - Brian Grazer/Charles Fishman
  49. The 100 simple secrets of successful people - David Niven 
  50. Range - David Epstein
  51. The One thing - Gary keller and Jay papasan
  52. Never split the difference - Chris Voss
  53. Born to run - Christopher McDougall 
  54. The Talent Code - Daniel Coyle
  55. The premonition- Michael Lewis.
  56. The undoing project - Michael Lewis
  57. Inspired - Marty Cagan
  58. Empowered - Marty Cagan and chris jones
  59. Chrlottes web E.B.White ( important book, as i finished it with my son)
  60. Rising strong - Brene Brown
  61. Outliers - Malcom Gladwell
  62. The little book of talent - Daniel Coyle
  63. The tipping point -Malcolm Gladwell
  64. Elon Musk - Ashlee Vance
  65. Infinite games - Simon Sinek
  66. Start with WHY - Simon Sinek
  67. Think like a Monk -Jay Shetty
  68. Limitless - Jim Kwik
  69. Moonwalking with Einstein- joshua foerr
  70. The 10x rule - Grant cardone
  71. Uncanny valley  - Anna weiner
  72. Tiny habits - BJ Fogg
  73. Deep work - cal newport
  74. Good strategy bad strategy  - Richard Rumelt.
  75. Stolen Focus - Johann Hari
  76. Measure What matters - John Doerr
  77. Black code - Ronal j Deibert
  78. Life's amazing secrets - Gaur Gopal Das
  79. Where good ideas come from - Steve Johnson
  80. Bomber Mafia - Malcom Gladwell
  81. Originals - Adam Grant
  82. The book of Joy - Dalai Lama, Desmond Tutu, Douglas Abrams
  83. Tribe of Mentors - Timothy Ferriss
  84. Tools of Titans - Timothy Ferriss 
  85. The journey home - Radhanath Swamy
  86. The Dark Net - Jamie Bartlett
  87. Total Freedom - J Krishnamurti 
  88. The Inevitable- kevin Kelly
  89. You look like a Thing And I Love You - Janelle Shane
  90. Artificial UnIntelligence - Meredith Broussard
  91. The singularity is near - Ray Kurzweil
  92. Our final invention -James Barrat
  93. The miracle of mindfulness - Thich Nhat Hanh
  94. Zero to One - Peter Thiel
  95. Masters of scale- Reid Hoffman 
  96. Contagious - Jonah Berger
  97. Lean Startup - Eric Ries
  98. Made to Stick - Dan Heath and Chip Heath
  99. The Almanac of Naval Ravikant - Eric Jorgensen.
  100. Truth is a pathless Land - J Krishnamurti 
  101. From strength to strength - Arthur C Brooks.
  102. Antifragile - Nassim Nicholas Taleb
  103. Life 3.0 - Max Tegmark
  104. Thinking fast and slow - Daniel Kahneman
  105. David and Goliath - Malcolm Gladwell 
  106. Grit - Angela Duckworth
  107. Artificial intelligence - A Guide for thinking humans - Melanie Mitchell 
  108. 12 Rules for Life - Jordan B Peterson
  109. Humans need not apply - Jerry Kaplan
  110. Unmasking AI - Joy Buolamwini
  111. Win every argument- Mehdi Hasan
  112. The subtle art of not giving a F*ck - Mark Manson
  113. Weapons of Math Destruction - Cathy O'Neil
  114. Digital minimalism - Cal Newport
  115. The Master Algorithm - Pedro Domingos
  116. Human compatible- Stuart Russell
  117. The Power of NOW - Eckhart Tolle
  118. The hard thing about hard things- Ben Horowitz
  119. Physics of the future - Michio kaku
  120. Innovators dillema - Clayton Chritensen
  121. Autobiography of a yogi - Paramahamsa Yogananda.
  122. AI 2041 - Kai-Fu Lee
  123. When things fall apart - Pem Chodron.
  124. Culture Code -Dniel Coyle
  125. Burn Rate - Andy Dunn
  126. The Daily Stoic - Ryan holiday and Stephen Hanselman
  127. Good to Great - Jim Collins
  128. Your face belongs to us - Kashmir Hill
  129. Man's search for meaning - Viktor E Frakl.
  130. Sapiens- Yuval Noah Harari
  131. Essentialism- Greg Mckeown
  132. The coming wave - Mustafa Suleyman and Michael Bhasker
  133. True meditation- Adyshanti
  134. Meditation for beginners- Jack Kornfield
  135. Meditation Mind and Patanjali's Yoga : A Practical Guide to Spiritual Growth for Everyone
  136. Meditation Mind and Patanjali's yoga -Swami Bhaskarananda
  137. AI Super Powers - Kai-Fu Lee
  138. Spontaneous awakening- Adya shanti
  139. A Hacker's mind- Bruce schneier 
  140. Meditation for fidgety skeptics - Dan Harris , Jeff Warren, Carlye Adler
  141. 10% Happier - Dan Harris
  142. The 21 irrefutable laws of leadership- John C Maxwell.
  143. How to win at chess - Levy Rozman
  144. 48 laws of power - Robert Greene
  145. The power of unwavering focus - Dandapani.
  146. Stillness is the key - Ryan Holiday
  147. Hidden potential - Adam Grant
  148. Burn book - kara swisher
  149. The pivot year - Brienna weist
  150. Hello World - Hannah Fry
  151. How to change your mind - Micahel Pollan
  152. Novacene - James E Lovelock
  153. The battle for your brain - Nita A Farahany.
  154. God Human Animal Machine - Meghan O'Gieblyn
  155. Scarcity Brain - Michael Easter
  156. You're not listening- Kate Murphy
  157. Going Infinite -Michael Lewis
  158. Think again - Adam Grant
  159. The four agreements - Miguel Ruiz
  160. Make your bed - William H Mcravrn
  161. Deep Medicine - Eric Topal
  162. Genius Makers - Cade Metz
  163. Radical Candor - Kim Scott
  164. The silva mind control method - Jose Silva
  165. The Lost City Of monkey god - Douglas Preston. 
  166. 21 lessons for 21st century  - Yuval Noah Harari.
  167. The Fifth Domain- Richard A Clarke, Robert k Knak
  168. Ego Is The enemy - Ryan Holday
  169. How innovation works - Matt Ridley
  170. Supercommunicators - Charles Duhigg
  171. Why Buddhism is true- Robert Wright
  1. Vijayaniki Eidu Metlu - Yendamuri Veerendra nath
  2. Mind Power - Yendamuri Veerendra nath
  3. Bhagavad Gita
  4. Kanyasulkam - Gurajada Apparao
  5. Humorology - Yerram Setti Sai
  6. Maha Prasthanam - Sri Sri
  7. Ramayana visha vruksham - Ranganayakamma
  8. Aksharanjali - A S Ramasastry 


reddys said…
sir your collection of books is really informative i would like you to go through the book the power of now
Anonymous said…
100 Best Parliamentary Speeches by Subhash C Kashyap Make A Life Not Just A Living by Dr Ron Jenson
A Century of Hope by M S Swaninathan Man The Unknown by Alexis Carol
Abraham Lincoln by Anne Sproule Matsushita Leadership by John P Kotter
Achieving Excellence by Robert Heller My America Journey by Collin Powell
Aditya Vikram Birla – A Biography by Minhaz Merchant Practice What You Preach by David H. Maister
An Autobiography - The Story of My Experiments with Truth by M K Gandhi Profiles of Courage by John F Kennedy
An Unknown Indian by Nirad C Chowdhury Prophets of New India Published by Penguin
Autobiography of a Yogi by Paramhamsa Yogananda Pulling Your Own Strings by Wayne W Dyer
Beyond the Last Blue Mountain – Life of JRD Tata by R M Lala Screw It, Let’s Do It by Richard Branson
Born to be Happy by Promod Batra Seeds of Greatness by denis waitley
Break Free by Debashis Chatterjee Sense and Sensibility by Jane Austin
Character by Samuel Smiles Sony – The Private Life by John Nathan
Communicate With Confidence by Dianna Booher Teach Yourself to Think by Edward Debono
Control Your Destiny or Someone Else Will by Noel Trichy The 10 Natural Laws of Successful Time and Life Mgmnt by Hyrum B Smith
Count Your Chickens Before They Hatch by Arindam Choudhury The Age of Reason by Thomas Paine
Critique of Judgment by Immanuel Kant The Amazing Results of Positive Thinking by Norman Vincent Peale
Culture and Anarchy by Mathew Arnold The Argumentative Indian by Amartya Sen
Culture Capsules – Art of Living by Dr I V Chalapati Rao The Ascent of Everest by John Hunt
Daring to Dream by Anjali Hazarika The Autobiography of Benjamin Franklin
Developing the Leader With In You by John C Maxwell The Be Happy Attitudes by Robert H Schuller
Dig Your Well Before You Are Thirsty by Harvey Macay The Book of Virtues by William J Bennett
Education for Character by Swami Vivekananda T he Borderless World by Kenichi Ohmae
Effective Communication by John Adair The Discovery of India by Jawaharlal Nehru
Every Street is Paved with Gold by Kim Woo Choong The Fifth Discipline by Peter Senge
For The Love of India – The Life of Jamsetji N Tata by R M Lala The Goal by Eliyahu M Goldratt and Jeff Cox
Free toChoose by Milton Friedman The Importance of living by Lin Yutang
Freedom at Midnight by Dominique Lapiere The Indian Epics Retold by R K Narayan
Anonymous said…
Glimpses of the great by S Ramakrishnan The Journey of My Life by Tanguturi Prakasam Pantulu Garu
Good to Great by Jim Collins The Monk Who sold His Ferari by Robin S. Sharma
Great Speakers are not Born by George Kods The New Industrial State by John Kenneth Galbrath
Greetings, Carbon based Bipeds by Arthur C Clarke The New Realities by Peter F Drucker
Heroes and Hero Worship by Thomas Carlyle The Path of Leadership by Montgomery
How to Enjoy Your Work and Succeed by Northcote C Parkinson The Path to Power by Margaret Thatcher
How to Win Friends and Influence People by Dale Carnegie The Present by Spencer Johnson
I Dare by Kiran Bedi The Road Less Traveled by Scot M Peck
Ideas and Opinions by Albert Einstein The Science of Life by H G Wells
Ignited Minds by A P J Abdul Kalam The secret of the ages by Robert Collier
In Search of Your True Self by Walter R Staples The Seven Habits of Highly Effective People by Stephen Covey
India by V S Naipaul The Seven Spiritual Laws of Success by Deepak Chopra
Influencing for Results by Gavin Kennedy (Random House) The Soul’s Guide by James Allen
Knock Out Challenges by Macmillan The Spirit to Serve by J W Marriott
Leadership by Rudolf W. Giuliani The Utopia by Thomas More
Leading Lessons from the Literature by Sampath P Singh The Wealth of Nations by Adam Smith
Learning for Tomorrow by Alvin Toffler Think and Grow Rich by Napoleon Hill
Live to Win by Victor Kiam Time Flies by Bill Cosby
Living With Himalayan Masters by Swami Rama Unlimited Power by Anthony Robins
Long Walk to Freedom by Nelson Mandela Walden by David Henry Thoreu
Made in Japan by Akio Morita We, the People by Nani A Palkiwala
Mahatma Gandhi by Sarvepalli Radhakrishnan What we Cannot Imagine We cannot Create by C K Prahlad
Man The Unknown by Alexis Carrel Who Moved My Cheese Spencer Johnson
Matsushita Leadership by John P Kotter Winning by Jack Welch
Live to Win by Victor Kiam Wisdom Leadership by S K Chakraborthy
Living With Himalayan Masters by Swami Rama Wisdom of India by Lin Yutang
Long Walk to Freedom by Nelson Mandela Wise and Otherwise by Sudha Murthy
Made in Japan by Akio Morita You Can Have it All by Mary Kay
Mahatma Gandhi by Sarvepalli Radhakrishnan You Can Win by Shiv Khera

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