Quotes from Buffet

I came to know some things about Buffet while reading his book, here are they for you

Lowest paid executive in the top 200 companies of the world. Just $100000 PA.
Worlds most Successful investor, was rejected admission into Harvard.
$30 Billion (Yes you read it correct, its B not M) charity to Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation.
If you couldn't say something nice about a person, don't say anything.
Its easier to create money than to spend it.
In the event of crisis ignore this message.
It takes 20 years to build reputation and five minutes to ruin it. If you think about that, you'll do things differently.
I watch my every move and i am not much impressed.
I am sort of Republican on the production side and Democrat on the distribution side.
Whats there in wine, 99% of it is in telling and 1% about drinking.
Retirement plans ? 5 to 10 years after i die.
Its hard to teach new dog old tricks...

More to come in next blog post, happy reading !!!


RaviKiran said…
Dude, Awesome Quotes ........I like it.

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