Dhirubhai Notorious or Famous???????
This article is about a legend called Dhirubhai. Ambani The collected information about Reliance founder Dhirubhai from book Polyster Prince (which is banned in INDIA) and from internet. These facts are eye openers for rotten politics or eye brow raisers for public or shot in the arm for Indian system or brain teasers for Tax / Finance authorities....... Whatever it is, a man dreamed for something achieved it, the path he chosen might be controversial but not the hard work he put for it, neither his capabilities nor his thoughts..... One thing for sure 2 generations before me they dont know about this guy , might be no body discusses about him after 2 generations, i am proud to be from the same historic period as he is..... His famous quotes: Think big, think fast, think ahead. Ideas are no one's monopoly "We cannot change our Rulers, but we can change the way they Rule Us. "Changing orbits is the key to our progress" Some Unofficial statements made by him : I dont...