Take Silver or Lead

This article is about the Drug Cartels in the borders of USA and Mexico. I was watching a documentary on the drug cartels operating from Mexico in the border of Texas. Some of the stunning facts are as below.....

America has less than 5% of population of the world, but it has half the drugs of the world quantity.

There are tunnels in Mexico to Texas for drug trafficking and human trafficking. Each tunnel may take one year to build, but you will see profits within a week.

Narco Terrorism, another name given to drug cartels, has corrupted almost 80% of Police, Politicians, Media and Judges in Mexico.

Any social activist, journalist, politician or police officer raising voice or action against these drug cartels will be killed immediately.

They offer to Take Silver or Lead (Silver for Money, Lead for Bullet) to all officials.

Several Presidential candidates, supreme court judges were killed in Columbia and Mexico because of the drug war.

Mexico Military officials are also involved in this.

Average turnover of this business is 105 Million a day.

At first Drug cartels used to operate from Columbia. Pablo Escobar was the king of this Drug Trafficking. After his death Drug business moved to Mexico.

Now there are three main gangs operating drug business in Mexico.

Most of the youth in Mexico is attracted with this easy money.

Mexico drug business has most structured recruitment and efficient training in place for their private army. They give paper and Internet adds for recruitment.
See the major drug cartel operation areas in the below image...

They have best operation model in place. These drug cartels operate in small units in every city of US.

In some high schools they sell drugs for as cheap as $2, they call it cheese.


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