Art of Living

I attended art of living session today, much awaited session on Breathing Exercise, Pranayam and Meditation. Thanks to Kapil for introducing me to some meditation techniques.

For those who don't know, Art of Living was found by Sri Sri Ravishankar in 1981. It is serving in more than 150 countries. He developed Sudharshan Kriya, its a form of meditation.

We Breath in immediately after birth and breath out at death. That is the importance of the breath. So in short breath is life.
Emotions have close relation with breathing. Your breath will be shaky when you are unbalanced.
When you are concentrating you will take deep breaths, when you are angry you will take short quick breaths. When you want to enjoy the sense of scent of a flower you will take deep breath.

Mind oscillates between past and future. You can achieve more if your mind stays on present and with attention. Mind clings on to negative things quickly. Meditation means not just concentration, the effect of meditation is concentration. It generates the vital energy you require.

We were introduced to one of the Pranayam Meditation technique called Bhastrika.

Bhastrika Pranayama: Inhale and exhale air rapidly and forcefully. To get more details on this refer to the below link.

We have done meditation for 20 minutes, closing eyes, taking deep breaths, relaxing body. Its really refreshing after the session. Looks like 20 minutes of Meditation is equal to 3 hours of good sleep. Of course, you can't replace sleep with Meditation. But you can use it for regenerating energy and for focus.

Meditation helps in bringing the Mind, Body and spirit in harmony. Happy Meditation !!!


Rani Akka said…
That is Prakash. I tried to enroll in AOL courses 4-5 times but always has to opt out as the course timing never suited my convenience. Waiting to hear on this.
Anonymous said…
Sachin vs Thackeray

Sixty two years of freedom, liberty and enfranchisement have not done any good for our country, with disintegrating forces out to ruin it. If it was Raj Thackeray who issued an explicit warning to State Bank of India to recruit only Maharashtrians for clerical vacancies in the State, the elder Thackeray has gone to the extent of vilifying a national icon. The nation showers its praise on cricketing legend Sachin Tendulkar who expressed pride in being an Indian and claimed that Mumbai belongs to every one of us. The words used by the Shiv Sena chief, Bal Thackeray, against him in Saamna — asking Sachin to stick to cricket and dare not tread into the realm of politics — exposes his skewed mindset. It is time the state marginalised such voices, thereby preserving the fabric of unity in diversity.


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