Bharat Ratna to Mr. Hussain ?

Some politicians in Govt, supporting Bharat Ratna for M F Hussain, I just searched on his profile and found that he is the communal crook with his art.

This fellow drawn nude images of Hindu Deities Lakshmi, Parvathi, Sarswathi, Ganesh, Seetha and Hanuman etc., Isn't it a big list ? In fact he painted his mother and daughter with full clothes and Bharat Mata again nude.

Well, the self supporting statement he gave for this is, Nudity represents Purity. Then, Mr Hussain, I can't wait to see purity of your Mother and Daughter.

Contradicting to his own statement, In one of his interviews he said, he painted Hitler nude in a painting because he hates hitler. This man is awarded with Padma bushan and Padma Vibhushan, if i am not wrong. He is hiding in UAE or London to escape the legal suites against him. By the way, he served as Rajyasabha Member also.

You can search in Internet and find his Nude work on goddesses. I don't want to make my blog more controversial by publishing them here. I checked them in Internet and it really hurts.

Now there are some Minsters in Center demanding Bharat Ratna for him, As a secular country I think this is possible. If he gets it, He might be the first one to get Bharat Ratna for painting Bharat Mata nude.

NOTE: I am not representing any religious group here, I am pointing out the crookedness of an Individual and pathetic politicians trying to pacify some groups. Again, don't forget India is a secular country, so am I :-)


Anonymous said…
Surya Don't forget... India is a country where people have right to expression... And if Hussain has painted some nude pictures it's his view to express things... There should not be any group or person should dictate him what he can paint what he cannot... He is an asset to country and caalling him bastard because he painted a hindu diety in nude being a muslim and calling ourself as secular is something we should hink again...

And he is not in London or Dubai... If you are so keen to express your views do it personally he is in Newyork very close to you.....
Thanks for the corrections "Anonymous" ...As I am responsible for hurting someone's feelings...He is responsible for hurting peoples sentiments with his paintings...As I said already, This article is not about religion, its about his thinking VS My thinking.
Anonymous said…
Well guys, its really strange that in a secular country like India, people often can pass off after drawing nude pics of Indian deity..On the other hand we have Fatwas being issued asking not to sing 'Bande Mataram'.. Its really unfortunate in the so called secular country, how come people with some strong financial/political/emotional backing always gets through after issuing such comments...That is why India is secular..Here people can say things if he is got some kind of backing...
Mina Menon said…
Perfectly said Surya! Secularism is a word that is misused like nobody's business n all the more if the target is hinduism!
Anonymous said…
He might have hurted your feelings for sure... Do you even know when these paintings were done by him, it's been a more than 2 decades dear.. why all the fuss and cry now... Nudity lies in the image of beholder and creativity doesn't have any bounds...

My point is not about justifying his work... I stand for clear thinking and fact finding before pointing fingures at any one...

Please read through this article which was published in 1998 almost 10 years ago..
Mr Anonymous,

Q) why the fuss now ?
A) Since some people are demanding "Bharat Ratna" for a "Bharat mata" nude painter. I got to know some information , which I don't like and I am expressing my opinion in my blog. I haven't painted him nude dear !!!

Thanks for sharing the article I read that article.
Hemant said…
Well Mr. Anonymous as you said this is a secular state everyone have right to express their thoughts as Mr. Hussain did and the same way Surya did........ Keep Going Surya

Creativity does not have bounds and I totally agree with that but watever he painted can never be considered as creativity and if u use the wrd creativity I wld rather consider tat as a derogatory stmt for all the real creators...

But unfortunately with the kind of political situation we have he will for sure get the Bharat Ratna.....

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