Don't Touch me There - IPhone 4

Because of people who don't know how to hold an iPhone (their phones are smart, but they are not) properly, Steve Jobs has to cancel his vacation in Hawaii :-) OH BOY !!!

Well when the whole world is hyping on his iPhone he was blushing, now they are talking about its antenna he is cursing. Well you know Steve, its part of game.

From the beginning apple is famous for its designs and appeal, of course then performance. we can give benefit of doubt to Apple. Some how I feel Apple is over aggressive (we might call it arrogance). This is the kind of jolt I am expecting for Apple. Though I am fan of Microsoft, I respect Apple products. But its hard to bear arrogance, though we have lot of respect for its products.

You tried to prove the whole world has that antenna problem is a problem for all. But it is evident and bigger in iPhone 4. Remember your products were given more hype, so obviously they attack more if there is something wrong. Accept the defect and convey politely that you are fixing in next version. People will definitely understand. I think you need to learn some lessons from Toyota in crisis management. BP also dealt well with the recent situation. But somehow I feel Apple didn't handle this well.

So the conclusion is, holding Iphone 4 is like holding a girl. U touch her @ a wrong place she's gonna cut u off, & u'll always need piece of rubber to be safe.


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