Tips and Tricks of Social Networking

This is a topic about which you can write pages and pages. The famous four social networking sites are Facebook, Linkedin, Twitter and Orkut. Believe me this is the order of popularity. Can you believe even though there is so much hype for micro blogging sites like Twitter, still the blogs rule the content world.

Location based social networking like Yelp and Foursquare are also picking up very quickly. I have been using them, they are very useful. Future of Social Networking will be Micro blogging, Connections, Location based sharing.

As you know Social Networking can speak on behalf of you and make your brand name. People with similar interests will start coming together. Recently I came to know CFO of Oracle was recruited through his Linked in Contact. All the Fortune 500 companies executives are there in Linked-in.

Social networking became the basis of Judgement also. Some court cases in US started taking the comments on Facebook as basis for judgement. No second thought, Social Networking is powerful. But be careful. Here are some tips for your happy journey in social networking.

1. Never Ever share your personal information on social networking. Although you know this, its point to be reiterated again and again.
2. Keep the same id for all your connections. For example my id is JNSURYAPRAKASH in Orkut, twitter, Linked-in, Facebook, Blog-spot, yelp, Foursquare. Its easy for people to find you.
3. Express your Non controversial views, because your next employer might read the blog which you wrote one year earlier. Its historical, keep yourself clean. I know I don't have clean blogging history. I made some controversies in the past.
4. Your updates should be thoughtful and elevate your image.
5. Specific to Twitter, there are so many useless people like Celebrities. Rather follow the people in your career. Updates from them will be useful down the line.
6. In Facebook become fan of the pages of companies. It will be useful to keep an eye on the top companies in your line of work
7. In linked in join the groups related to your work. Those discussions will help you.
8. Use location based social networking to know the near by shops and deals. Its good for your pocket.
9. Have a happy branding !!!

You will be receiving so much of information. don't just read it, analyze and apply it. I read more than 1000 tweets a day, out of that, only 10 are useful. By the way 99% of the people I follow on twitter are Techies or Tech related companies. (Fun) (Facebook) (Twitter) (Linkedin) (Technical)


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