Media VS Social Media

Now a days most of the Media is biased, so biased that it is creating sympathy for the people they are targeting. Gone are the days people used to trust what media published. After popularity of social media, people started asking questions on authenticity of the news.

I believe the role of main stream media (print, electronic) is turned into analysis rather than breaking news.News is directly coming from the sources to the masses. So media can never overtake social media speed in breaking news. We can see media picking up the photos and tweets to build their story.

If media analysis has so much paralysis, in the future readers will go back to their tweets, instagrams, facebook posts. On an average each user is earning around $16 per annum to Facebook. Celebrities don't need coverage from new papers, politicians are NOT solely dependent on electronic media publicity.

Many predictions by these power house media went for a toss in the recent elections in different countries. In fact candidates were able to tweet or update facebook post and turn the media attention from important matters to silly posts.

My prediction in the future is , the best analyst will have huge audience base in twitter, facebook, instagram, podcasts, video casts and blogs. People subscribing to his social content all over social media and sharing it will create revenue for the analyst. It might create better financial return for him than payments by media houses. Media will not be able to influence news or analysis.

Here are my bold predictions for the Media in the future:

  • Media will be irrelevant and unpopular.
  • Social media will bring the latest news to you either through tweets, instagram posts or facebook posts. All the news will have authentication check next to them so you know how authentic the news is.
  • All the analysis on news about the situation, possibilities will happen by the best analysts in the world through their own social channels, which will be shared all over as viral.
  • Pod Casts ,Video Casts and blogs will be more famous than print and electronic media.
  • People will listen to the news they want by subscribing to their favorite analyst social channels.
  • Information loops will happen, like people will hear again and again from the social channels they subscribe and think that is the only truth.
  • Government, agencies or Social channels can control what kind of news you will be getting by banning/blocking some of controversial analysts social channels.
  •  Analyst popularity depends on his/her passion, worthiness and support from organizations/agencies.
  • Every individual will have a news paper on his name, based on the reading habits he has like below
Happy Reading !!


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