Quotes from books I read recently


  • Automatic behaviors triggered by situational cues. Behaviors done with little or no conscious thought.
  • Trigger: internal or external
  • Action: Ease of performing and psychological motivation to do it.
  • Variable reward: create craving
  • Investment: time, data, effort, social capital or money.
  • Habits are LIFO.
  • Whenever new technology suddenly make a behavior easier, new possibilities are born.

How google works:

  • 70% of time to build product and 30% to shout about it.
  • Products excellence is in iterations.
  • If you can’t tell someone how to think, you have to create an environment where they can think freely.
  • Think 10X not 10%
  • "When considering candidates for a role, favor the ones with a track record of learning new things over the ones with a track record in that particular role."
  • Think of platforms not products. Uber, youtube, google.
  • What is the most exciting thing you do at work.
  • Passionate people dont wear their passion on sleeves, they wear it in the heart.
  • Technology is exponential, learning is linear
  • Learning animals.growth mindset is about learning targets and goals.
  • Specialist brings inherent bias.
  • Process(how) of decision arrived, when, how it is executed.
  • There are more than 130 million books in the world today.
  • No business runs for evere, some find this chilling. We should find it inspiring.

Hit refresh:
  • Leadership means making choices and rallying teams around those choices. 
  • Shared context, shared vision. 
  • A leader musy see the external opportunities, internal capabilities and culture. 
  • We live in a world of mobile technology, but it is not the device that is mibile, it is you. 
  • Why are we here, what do we do next. 
  • We cannot fix what we can not measure, we can not prepare what we donot know. 
  • Culture eats strategy for breakfast. 
  • Culture is is complex system made up of individual mindsets. 
  • Individual growth is important than bottom line. . Everyone 
  • Should grow individually in their roles and lives. 
  • You can own customer scenarios, but not code. 
  • Where you should apply fixed and mindset(best practice)


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