How COVID19 can change us forever ?

COVID19 like other major disasters humans faced will definitely change us for good. My projection is, its going to change the way we think and operate. I am pointing out few things I can think of could change potentially because of COVID19 impact on humans.
  • Health Insurance industry might come up with a clause of 'global pandemic' may NOT be covered under general insurance. They might expect governments to cover these unforeseen and mammoth costs. I am not debating good or bad but possible shifts.
  • Travel Insurance can be costly and cover pandemic cancellations and hospitalization/repatriations.
  • Restaurants will be more lean and TO GO based than dine in and ambience.
  • There will be less demand for products and more saving mentality. If 2008 recession changed the world behavior towards saving, COVID19 recession will make saving habits much stronger.
  • People will start holding on to houses, cars, electronics longer than usual, indication of lesser spending.
  • Work from home will become more acceptable. So the gentrification in SFO, LA, NYC etc., will ease as firms are OK with you anywhere in the region with good internet connection. This could reduce potential location/salary costs.
  • Production cost of movie will reduce and people will get used to Netflix/Prime videos. There will be more movies releasing in OTT than in Theaters.
  • Near-shoring will pick up for services (IT), Sourcing (produce). Markets will less likely to be flooded with cheaper products. People will expect quality things that stay longer.
  • Retailer Distribution Centers will be much bigger and can hold stuff for years for the respective regions.
  • Banks will have MORE virtual services just like Telemedicine. It will be huge hit and permanent change.


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