Now you have 25 hours in a day, what are you doing with it ?

Its always easier to say than do :-) let me start with that statement. We all heard about leveraging opportunities and handling crisis effectively in our professional career. We all know the most valuable commodity in the world is time, they stopped manufacturing it. Suddenly world started having the 25th hour. The one hour which we always needed, the one hour we always talked about our entire lives and the one hour we always dreamed of.
Let me explain how we all got one hour extra in a day. Due to Covid19 most of the corporate America is working from home. we all know working from home comes with its own challenges. Average commute time in US is close to 26 mins one way. including the preparation time you have an additional one hour every day at the least. Fortunately/Unfortunately you don't any more sports to catchup with. The media is busy in scaring you about the situation, if you are sane individual by this time you might have stopped watching news. If you remove the distractions and add the saving of time you got, you have net balance of at least one hour extra in your day. I am talking about corporate America, NOT about medical professionals and other important folks guarding streets, working in stores, supply chain, deliveries etc.,
We have those goals we have been pushing off due to lack of time like calling a friend, reading a book, cooking healthy meal or exercising. How about dusting off those plans. Its hard to get into routine if you don't have targets. Imagine yourselves few weeks after we enter normal routine being in a better health or finishing a book or learning a skill you always wanted to. Or the worst case scenario if it extends long you have better plan if you started down this path.
I don't want to publish my hard goals but here is my commitment, I will be running little bit more every morning, promising to finish reading one book at least, writing more than 6 articles before end of March and at least 6 hours of learning on cloud topics. Inspire yourselves to best utilize the 25th hour showered upon us.
Remember Yard by Yard is always hard, inch by inch is a Cinch - Quote from someone
Do what you can, with what you have, where you are - Quote from someone


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