Understanding your Stress response

In this article we will be discussing about understanding your stress response, your stress behavior and techniques to break the stress loop.

FMRI (functional MRI) is a technique to measure brain activity by detecting blood flow. Stanford researchers used this technique to look at stress response to brain. Every human hard wired on how they are going to respond to stress. Everybody has stress response.

Brain doesn't know the difference between real and imaginary stress. It consists of 100 Billion neurons firing and wiring together forming circuits that form our habits, behaviors, thoughts and emotions.

Stress isn't bad. some times we respond better and some times we freak out. Our brain is battery, keep it charged. Everybody talks about physical exercise but there are exercises for brain as well. Make sure you are not accumulating stress. 

Your brain FMRI scan will tell you which bio type you are. Stanford research says there are 8 distinct bio types.

  • Rumination: This bio type chews on same thing again and again. Don't chew. Don't worry too much about same thing. Repeated negative self talk can cause this.
  • Anxious avoidance: Avoids the situation that can trigger stress, this might impact your satisfaction about life.
  • Negative Bias: Catastrophizing. May tune in to negative input, not see the positivity around.
  • Threat response: Activates automatic response of "Alarm mode", which is hard to turn off.
  • Emotional numbness: Unable to take pleasure in activities that bring you joy. 
  • Context insensitivity: So burned out, you may feel losing motivation in all areas.
  • Inattention: Basic functions hard to complete, difficulty in concentrating or focusing.
  • Cognitive Fog: Brain is foggy , not sharp. difficult to plan ahead.

Neuroplasticity: you can change your habits and behaviors. Conscious Breathing can reduce anxiety, improve focus, improve ability to manage stress.

practice box breathing. practice it for 60 seconds, you will reset your brain. 
  1. Empty your lungs
  2. Take 4 breath in's 
  3. hold for 4 count,  and 
  4. breath out in 4.

positive affirmations: what is the positive statement you want to say yourself when you are under stress. Think about it.

Manage your worry time: focus more on the current moment, dont kill yourself with scenarios that doesnt happen.

Graded exposure: Interrupt the wave of stress. Don't respond under stress.

Sitting is the new smoking, stand up and work if you can. keep moving during the work hours.





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